The Let's Play Archive

Fire Emblem: Binding Blade

by vilkacis

Part 8: Reunion or, Fuck Thrones Forever

Chapter 8: Reunion or, Fuck Thrones Forever

With them, Castle Ostia has always been famously secure. For countless years, the castle has been said to be impregnable.

only does so for the castle's own protection...

Alas, Castle Ostia was built to withstand armies of generics, not a handful of average level ~8ish characters.

It's kinda big!

This feels like a "horse" kind of level. Even Marcus gets to come. If I had any sense, I would have brought, like, Noah instead of Rutger here. He's going to be kinda useless, while a dude who attacks Res (and doesn't suck at it, unlike some people I could mention) would have been rather nice to have.

How could Debias have failed against them?!

Uh, maybe by not using that one advantage he actually had...

Were those Ilian mercenaries that skilled?

...Or was the Lycian Army larger than we expected...?

It was like twelve dudes.

Including the mercs.

Whatever the case, they have broken into the impregnable Castle Ostia!

You keep using that word...

You over there!

Have the troops take defensive positions throughout the castle! Particularly around the throne room! We must not allow the Lycian Army any further into the castle!

Of course, sire!

I want you to have Lilina quietly assassinated during the battle.

I felt she might make a valuable hostage. But many of our rebel soldiers still swear loyalty to her. If we openly use her as a hostage, those soldiers may turn.

If that's the case, sire, would they not also turn if we assassinate her?

That's why I said to do it quietly, isn't it?! Kill her discreetly, and say that she was hit by a stray arrow. We can hold the enemy responsible! Now go!

Yes, sire...

Well that's not nice. Actually does explain why they wouldn't use that perfectly good hostage they have, but it's still not nice.


No, no. I'm on your side. My name is Astore. I used to work here in the service of the marquess.

You certainly aren't dressed like a servant.

A bit nosy, don't you think, old man? I'm a spy, see. I gather information, steal things, check on people... Things like that.

That explains it.

I've been running around Lycia gathering intelligence for about a month now. When I heard about Araphen, I got back as quickly as my legs would allow. And what do I find but those muttonheads Legance and Debias inciting rebellion! I couldn't save Lord Hector, but I won't let them take Lady Lilina.

Then you'll join us? Do you know where Lilina is?

Of course. Finding that stuff out is my job. Lady Lilina is locked in a small room in the heart of the castle. And Legance is stitting on the throne like he owns the place.


We have to hurry then. We must defeat the rebels and save Lilina before Narcian arrives from Bern!

And that's Lilina, right there.

...why would you build a room like that, anyway? Just in case you have a hostage you want conveniently assassinated or something?

The daughter of Marquess Ostia. Gentle and kind-hearted.

Starting as a level one character in chapter 8... Well, she is a mage so she'll not be that hard to train anyway.

Lilina's growths are HP 45, Mag 75, Skl 20, Spd 35, Lck 50, Def 10, Res 35. Her offensive growth is higher than Hector's and at least 1.5 times than anyone else we've ever seen (hacked characters not included). Let that sink in for a moment. Though, that speed seems like it could be a little shaky. We'll give her a chance, same as everyone else.

Well, almost everyone.

And here is the world's most inept assassin. Lilina can just sit in the corner he can't reach forever and not give a fuck.

But I don't know how long I have before they start tossing something a little less inept at her, so let's get to business.

Business involves slinging anyone who still thinks they can walk around the battlefield over the behind of someone's horse.

A spy serving Ostia. Surrounded in mystery.

Astore gets to walk because he has 6 move, and because I want him stabbing shit.

HP 90, Str 35, Skl 40, Spd 50, Lck 15, Def 20, Res 20.

Growth-wise, he's kinda shit compared to Chad, but he comes in looking pretty good and you could probably do worse than to use him. If you have Chad up to a reasonable level, though, there's little reason not to stick with him.

Hell, even if you don't have him up to a reasonable level. Thieves gain a lot of exp.

There's not much to do on the first turn.

I wish I could see outside this chamber...

Lilina pipes up on the second turn, but there's not much else of interest.

Look at him and laugh.

I thought bringing Sue could be somewhat of a mistake, given her level one-ness, but she actually handles this very well.

Smears! Curse you Allen

After a couple of turns, the archer loses interest and goes to throw himself against the intruders and die like all his mates.

Oh, hey! I'll take this, if you don't mind.

Well, actually I'll take it even if you do mind. I think you'll have bigger things to worry about, though, like maybe arrows.

Not much to say about these enemies.

EXP is EXP, though.

Indeed, it is for all of us. Speed? Speed.


Floating pony.

This guy thinks he's being clever, damn near all my people are riding horses, and he brought a horseslayer.

Sadly for him, horseslayers are close-ranged weapons only.

I was not expecting Sue to do this well, but I'm glad she is!


Pictured: Why Chad is better than Astore.

We're making progress!

Suddenly, in the room on the top left...

We can break it down if we hit it with our weapons.

"Or our heads. Heads might also work."

I have a pretty good idea of where she might be. I've known this castle for a long time. I do wonder what's causing all the noise, though.

The Lycian Army, perhaps? My brother must be with them...

...We can't be sure he's still alive. You had best keep your hopes low.

Ah... Yes, you're right.

Sir Barth, must you be so aloof? Bors is Wendy's only brother.

Oh, him. Yeah, we've got him alive, all right, but he might be wishing otherwise what with the dunce cap Roy is making him wear after his performance last time we let him on the field.

We must always stand firmly in reality.


It's all right, Ogier. Sir Barth is right.

As a knight of Ostia, you must always remain calm. It matters not how grave the situation. Understood, Wendy?

...Yes, sir.

The three of them start up here. The main force will be reaching these enemies this turn, so it's pretty good timing.

A knight serving Ostia. Bors' younger sister.

Like Lilina, Wendy starts as a first level character. I have boosted her to level 5 with average stat-gains. This still does not make her very useful. However, her growths can be pretty good - HP 85, Str 40, Skl 40, Spd 40, Lck 45, Def 30, Res 10. I'm liking the 40s there. However, it would involve babying her for a while.

Also, why the hell do you look like a general, Wendy? I didn't change that much. Counting down to a spectacular crash: 5...

A knight serving Ostia. Humorless and severe.

HP 100, Str 60, Skl 25, Spd 20, Lck 20, Def 40, Res 2.

Yes, that is a 100% chance to gain HP.

Yes, that is a 2% chance to gain res.

Unlike our previous, sorta weird knights, Barth is more of a typical armour knight. He is more or less better than Bors at everything right now, though he is also like three levels higher. If you need a tank, he's looking pretty good for the job.

A mercenary hired into Ostia's service.

And finally we have Ogier the Merc-hog, in case you got Ogm... uh Deke killed somewhere along the way or just want more dudes hitting things with swords. He looks decent enough, though a bit behind in levels. Also comes with an armourslayer, which will be useful on this map.

HP 85, Str 40, Skl 30, Spd 145, Lck 55, Def 20, Res 15.

He'll use the regular steel sword for this, though. That's one really wimpy wall.

They're just in time to join in on the attack. Marcus leaves this archer with single-digit HP. That's some quality Jeiganning right there.

Sue gets the kill.

And Clarine gets a rather nice level patching up that HP Chad got when he gained his level.

Next turn, some more enemies start catching up. Wendy is still kinda squishy for an armour knight, but not as squishy as she could have been.

Still looks hilarious when she runs dudes through, though. Man, I love that beefy-ass lance knights have.

This is not optimal use of my experience points, but I want Lilina out of there before they send in the killer ballistas.

Both of them miss.

Getting kinda embarrassing here, Lance...

They grow up so quickly...

Once we've thinned the herd a little, Marcus goes off and plays with these guys on the other side of the wall.

Sword to the chest!

Jerrot gets this poking another knight. He's pretty good right now!

New phase, new playmate for Marcus.

I'm actually more interested in using this room to ferry all my people through without having to tangle with the casters below than I am in the treasure right now. That said, I'm still going to loot whatever happens to get in the way.

I fucking knew it!

Just as I thought. They're at it again.

...Wait, that's not a killer ballista.

How stupid can these nobles get? I'll never understand what fun it is fighting all the time. Oh well. I'll take the opportunity to swipe what I can.

And I'll help myself to your lockpick again.

Before that though, Marcus gets attacked by a mage with a new spell. If I'm not mistaken, it's effective against flying targets, but I kinda forgot to check.

We have two thieves, so one can swipe this while the other gets the door.

I'm not sure why they want to open Lilina's cell, but I don't mind! Also, I've learned my lesson from last time; Cath spent like four turns blocking the doorway to a treasure room because I didn't give her anywhere to go. So now, there's an open path and everything is just fine. Also, my lockpick now. Thanks.

Roy accosts Cath again, and I find to my shame that his line still brings up certain associations in my head but enough of that look dialogue.

Ugh, you again... Er, fancy meeting you here! Ha ha ha...

...You're a thief.
You shouldn't steal. It's not right.

Nah, it's fine. I only take from the rich. No one's going to starve or anything.

That doesn't make it any better.

Oh really? then let me offer you this.
You nobles take food and money from people living in what you call your land. How is tax collection any different than tribute to a bandit?

We protect the people in return!

You do not! You kill them in wars like this!

We didn't start this war. Bern invaded, so we have to defend the people...

You can't just do anything you want and say you're defending us! How does burning down villages help us anyway?!

Burning down villages? We never-!
Wait a minute, was your...?

...My village was burned to the ground by our marquess. He said that he had to do it to prepare for Bern's attack.

But... that's...

We always had barely enough to get by, and then we lost everything... Our homes... Our crops... And here you come, saying it's wrong to steal? Ha! Look who's talking! The nobility steals from the poor so you can live in lucury at our expense!

I... I don't know what to say.

Sigh. Don't get gloomy. I really don't like talking about how pitiful we are anyway. But you started it.


Ah, to heck with this. It's no fun stealing after a conversation like that. I'm outta here. Ta-ta!

She's still not joining my party

That marquess is kinda a jerk though. I've heard of burning the crops because you don't want the enemy eating them, but the whole village is overkill.

Roy will carve her a new village from the flesh of his enemies. Wait, no, that would be gross.

Her lockpick, however, does join us. And next turn, her vulnerary, too.

(So uh, Roy, about that "stealing is bad" thing...)

Guess who totally missed what kind of lance this knight has

I was totally expecting Roy to have dialogue with Lilina here.

Turns out she has dialogue with him instead.

Yes, it's me!

You came! Thank you so much.

I'm so glad you're unhurt. Here, take this spell tome. Use it to defend yourself for the time being.


She... gets a thunder tome I'm pretty sure Roy didn't have in his inventory.

Thought process:

With Lilina safe, we'll loot the rest of this room. The last chest has a Knight crest, which I'm sure I'll appreciate a lot in about 5-10 maps or so.

Then Clarine picks up Chad so she can get him over to the other treasure room before he spouts grey hairs.

Lilina does away with the Killer Lance knight with her new tome. Toasty!

Should be no more trouble now, only two dues and a boss left... and Cath, who'll be running off doing whatever it is she does when she runs off.

...but just in case...

That is cheating!

More of them here, too?

Lilina nukes that merc and gets exactly what she needs.

Ogier gets the archer. He feels compelled to move with great haste.

And Sue, too. She gets this feathering one of the soldiers who appeared on the lower left.


Son of a fuck!

At least Shanna can poke one of them and... get started on plugging up her biggest weakness. And nothing else.

Funny thing I'd still take this level over one with all the others in it. Shanna needs that strength.

Allen secretly thinks Bors' dunce cap looks really neat and wants one for himself.

Saul knows better.

Son of a bitch it never ends

But they are worth experience, and much like with Shanna, Lance really, really needs this.

That's the last mage down. This level is a lot worse than it looks.

There's even more.


He even gains another level. A little more of a typical Jeigan one.

Man, what an Astore.

In my haste to reach Lilina, I neglected to bring, like anything that is good against knights. These two will live for many, many more rounds.

FUCK yo' reinforcements, asshole.

Now that he's within reach...

A commander in the Ostian army. Leads the rebellion.

Legance is an asshole. 14 Def and a throne? And he's got decent avoidance too, with that speed and luck.

I shall cut you down where you stand!

No you shan't, I'm making damn sure of that. Cheating, actually. Ogier's 44% hit rate with the armourslayer won't cut it, so I'm going to RNG abuse. Bite me.

Meanwhile though, we'll empty the second room. The other three hold a silver axe, secret book, and a guiding ring.

Dunce caps for everyone!

Meanwhile, Lilina needs to get a shot in on this asshat as well.

I see the assassination failed...

You should have sent a more motivated assassin, guy just sat there for two turns and gave up.

Legance... Why?

Times are changing, milady.

And this is why a certain person is now known as Marth.

I won't be left in the dust. I'm not like Lord Hector. He was too foolish to accept the obvious.

Hush yourself! I will not let you insult my father!

And she actually hits! ...For two damage. It's the thought that counts.

Marcus promptly drags her out of the danger zone, I don't think she can take a javelin hit from this guy.

Far too many rounds later...

How? You will only... be crushed by Bern... How can you fight with such conviction...?

It's because we gotta go fast.

And that's the map.

It was awful.

Thank you, Roy. I'm glad that my father didn't have to go to the trouble.

Not as awful as having to tell Lilina her dad is dead, though.

Roy, is my father still in Araphen? I heard there was a horrible battle there, but how much longer will he be?

Lilina... You haven't heard?

Heard that?

Lord Hector... passed on.


I'm sorry... By the time we arrived at Castle Araphen... It was already under Bern's control.

It's not your fault... Don't apologize.

Lord Hector had been fatally wounded when we arrived. If only we had gotten there sooner, we could have helped him...

No... I... was prepared for this... I am the daughter of a warrior. I've been taught to steel myself in times such as these.


Everybody kept it from me... They didn't want to hurt me... But I'm strong... I can handle this...

Lilina, you don't have to hold back...

Roy... I...

We'll get through this... I'm here for you.

Well. I'm glad it's over, is all I can say. Next time, I'm sure things will be much less depressing and involve far less cheating bastard generals on cheating bastard thrones.

