Part 13: Meltdown
Part 13 - Meltdown

The missons are getting harder now, I didn't get a 100% on either enemies or secrets.. Let's take a look:
The mission
We start with a single line of dialogue:

Soon, we pick up the first person..'Norrin Radd' sounded familiar, so I looked it up and it's the real name of the Silver Surfer, so a little easter egg here.

And another pick-up:

One more:

Another: could be reference to 'Marcus Welby, M.D.', an American drama series from 1969.

'Halle Jordan' could be reference to 'Hal Jordan', the Green Lantern.

Once we pick up Jordan, we get some new orders:

Of course, when we make the drop-off, there's more work around the corner..

Aaand here comes Riley again with the Galactic codes:

On the way, we meet our explosives buddy:

After being nearly blown to bits by floating mines, we pick up the reactors:

And it looks like we're making another mad dash with explosive cargo:

We seem to know what we're doing, but I'm just going to follow the mission marker and hope I don't blow up..

Good thing our destination wasn't far away and we get some nice explosions:

But we're not done yet.

After the last buildings are destroyed, there's a boss waiting for us:

We seem to have some moral objections here:

The fight itself isn't that hard, just a lot of circling around while firing the homing swarmer missiles..

When that's over with, we really are ready to head home.

Riley, meanwhile, seems pleased:

After that, I try looking around for secrets and remaining enemies, but it seems the farcaster I took into the last area was a one-way ticket..Next up, mission 14!