The Let's Play Archive

Front Mission: Gun Hazard

by Opendork

Part 31

I can't quite figure out what happened with the Tangany Diet video on Filefront. It seems to be stuck at 30% processing. Still, you can always download it.

So, first thing I did was go to Africa and buy a Wireless Gunpod 3. If you really want to see it you can try the video at the end of the update.

Apparently, the main terrorist group hereabouts is known as "Red Shark".

Red Shark! From what I hear, these guys are well-armed AND well-connected.

That name is ridiculous! Sharks are not red!

Richard did have his suspicions...

Could they be receiving outside support...?

That's pretty much a foregone conclusion by this point.

We'll have to find that out the hard way. We're landing on that deep-sea oil platform. We'll receive further instructions from there.

Well, this sounds like a fun new kind of area.

I am president Reginef.

I'm Brenda, and this is Albert. Rest assured, he's quite skilled.

"There are also some idiots behind us. Ignore them."

What can we do for you?

Our people are being targeted by a group known only as the Red Sharks Their attacks have been wreaking havoc all across the country... The people are frightened and desperate. We face economic ruin if something isn't done soon.

It's the same story everywhere nowadays.

"It's getting boring, to be honest."

We're looking to you to put an end to their activities.


Several hours ago, Red Sharks seized an off-shore deep-sea oil platform.

It wouldn't be the one we're on, would it?

Your first task will be to drive them out so we can reestablish control. Many of the platform's workers are still being held hostage... please be careful.

Yes, sir.

Deal with the Red Sharks as you can.

Sir? The fighting will be pretty intense if we're going to engage the enemy. There could be damage...

Don't worry! I'd rather see this plant destroyed entirely than have it remain in the hands of those terrorists!

Understood. I'll do what I can.

Het het het! Kill 'em all!

Are you guys following me or something?

That voice...

I was going to whine here about how he never actually MET Bishop so how would he know the voice, then I remembered Genoce was there, too.

Genoce! What are you doing here?

Don't start pissing yourself. We're on your side today.

Reginef hired you, too?

Smart boy. We won't be giving you any trouble.

You kiddin' me? That snake torched my village!

Naturally, you don't get any of Axels dialogue here if you didn't take him with you.

'Ere, Mista Genoce. Reginef done said nufin' about workin' wif these berks!

The feeling's mutual, you psychopath!

Clam it, Bishop. Just do your job!

He's just happy he doesn't have to run away this time.


Let's kills us some te-rro-rists!

I ain't gonna be part of this. Sorry, but I'm goin' back to the ship.


So, it is impossible to actually take Axel along for this mission, but still recommended for plot points. Anyway, now for some hostage saving.

You get more money in the end for every one rescued, but it's not that much.

This level has just one enemy type. They have a lot of health, so it can be a bit annoying. Now, if I had some sort of level 3 weapon...

Watch where you're shooting, damn it!

He's... nowhere near you?

Piss off, eh? I ain't yer lackey, innit?

What'd you say?

"No, seriously. I want to know."

You startin'?

Bishop! Enough! The only thing you should be focusing on is your own survival.

...Yeh, yeh. Narrow escape for yez there, mate. I'd have doshed yez up, innit?

It'll be AWESOME!

Bet them oil tanks'd makes a nice boom if yez shot 'em...

We've got to keep collateral damage to a minimum.


Minimum my ass.

Yez gettin' in m'line o' fire!

There's nothing to shoot here, you ninny. Besides, it's two fucking dimensions. What is he supposed to do?


Something th'matter?


Those pantywaists couldn't even stop one lousy Wanzer?

Three, actually. Where the hell are those guys, anyway? Especially Rook. Is he stuck carrier-sitting or what?


Hmph. Forget the oil rig! Our pride as a fighting force is at stake!

...You're the leader here?

I just... I don't know what to say anymore.

Ha ha ha! Very astute, that man! This is your lucky day. Not many get to see the great Shivaltz in his element!

His element involves turning into a plane and sometimes he even shoots at you! Sorry about this bad picture he was flashing in all 4 or 5 of my other ones.

That worthless heap of junk! ...You there! You take care of him!

Oh hey another generic soldier.

If you can't make out anything in this screenshot, you're not alone. It sears my retinas just to look at it. Basically the soldier blows up the background somehow then starts attacking with two hanging turrets. You blow them both up and he sends another out. You need to destroy three sets.


Goodbye, generic soldier. You died the same as all the other ones.

600 moneys and 500 EXP per rescue. No big deal either way.

New Wanzer that I'm not sure when I can use it, and a sign that my new laser should be coming soon.

Yeah... There was a little collateral damage, but no major oil leaks.

There was also a huge fucking explosion.

I'll send a repair team in immediately. You'll need to get ready for your next assignment...

They're attacking again?

Strikes were made at Moruvsk as well as the Levi Bridge. I'll contact you again when you get there.

We'll get there next time!

I'm counting the oil platform as a boss.


Furthermore, I hid something of an Easter Egg somewhere in the update. It's something you can see without downloading any images, though it might be easier if you do.

Between University and... other things, life starts up again for me tomorrow. This thread will probably slow down quite a bit. I don't really know how much I'll be able to update from here on out, but I'm not going to abandon the thread or anything, It'll just take longer. Thanks for your support. Or, if you offer no support, I give you a neutral feeling.

By the way, I never actually asked. Are you guys okay with Axel replacing Clark?