Part 2: Shorting Out
Update 02: Shorting OutWelcome back. Last time our protagonist escaped from his restraints and figured out a way to open the door to his isolation room. What trials and terrors await us outside? Lets find out.

The scientist hears the door open and looks around.

The scientist clutches his head and falls to his knees as Rion psychically compels him to answer.

Music: Galerians - Hospital Battle

After the cutscene ends were thrown into the games first combat section, because the scientist from before has decided the best thing to do right now is to attack the confused and angry child hes just finished injecting with superpower-inducing chemicals.

As this is the first real battle its not too challenging. The scientist walks toward Rion at a snails pace and can be easily outmanoeuvred even with the games clunky tank controls.

His one attack is a jab with a handheld taser that deals negligible damage. Im showing it here, but theres really no excuse for getting hit by it.

Taking the guy down is simple enough. Holding R1 will cause the charge wheel in the upper right to overlay the other stats.

Charging the wheel up to full power at level one takes just slightly under a second. When the wheel is fully charged tapping the X button will blast whatever is in front of you with whichever psychic ability you have selected.

In this case the ability is Nalcon, which is essentially a telekinetic shockwave. Nalcon is not a particularly damaging power, but it can hit multiple enemies at once if theyre clustered together. Its also very reliable since no enemy in the game is immune to it. When in doubt, use Nalcon.

The scientist is a chump, so he goes down in one hit. With him out of the picture were free to check around and see what we can find.

The topmost computer terminal yields a Recovery Capsule. Unlike what the medical documents imply these drugs refill your entire HP bar no matter how injured you are.

Using an item requires pressing Select. This will bring up the menu. The menu is divided into three layers. The top layer lets you switch your active psychic ability.

The second layer holds your key items, like the medical notes we found last update. Some key items are only held for a chapter, while others stay with you the entire game.

The third layer is for consumables such as the Recovery Capsule we just picked up. Rion starts the game with a Recovery Capsule already in his inventory, as well as two of another kind of drug.

Delmetor is an important item and Ill be explaining more about it in a minute. For now lets continue our search.

There is clearly something on the second monitor, so lets snag it.

A security card. No doubt this will come in handy soon.

Flavour text aside, theres nothing more for us to do here, so lets leave through the only other door.

This corridor is patrolled by three scientists, all three of whom will aggro us almost immediately. This gives me a chance to show off the other power weve been granted.

Red lets us set enemies on fire. Its more damaging than Nalcon, but its much more difficult to hit multiple enemies with it. Certain foes are also immune to it, so you need to be careful when you have it equipped.

After immolating the scientists I bring up the map to give everyone a sense of where we are. The map is a feature that I really appreciate, and I wish other early survival horror titles had a map system as good as this one.

Turning the corner we come across a strange statue, but more importantly the bar marked AP has filled up and begun to flash. This has no immediate effect, but will be very important fairly soon.

Through the next door we come to a security checkpoint.

Reading the card reader will show you where the security card is if you somehow didnt manage to find it.

The big security door unlocks, and were free to proceed. Doing so triggers another cutscene.

An alarm blares in the security office, alerting the guards.

Unfortunately for the guard, stun batons arent that scary to someone who can set people on fire with his mind.
Music: Galerians - Hospital Battle

The guard is a little close, but there should be enough time to charge up a full dose of Red. Lets-

Oh. That cant be good. I think something might have gone-

Jesus Christ!

Welcome to one of Galerians more interesting game mechanics - Shorting. When your AP bar completely fills up, the next time you press R1 Rions powers will overload and go haywire, detonating the brains of any nearby enemies. In this state Rions movement is slowed to a crawl and his HP will rapidly decrease until he keels over and dies.

Shorting does not wear off naturally. You need a specific drug in order to cure it. However, the status can actually be very beneficial if you utilise it correctly.

Enemies will panic when they see that Rion is shorting.

They will run away, trip over, and generally do their best to get the hell out of dodge.

Some will even break down and cower in a corner.

Not that any of that helps them in the end.

Naturally, theres the small problem that Shorting will eventually kill us. This can be solved by taking the drug Delmetor.

Taking Delmetor empties your AP bar and stops the Short. The AP bar basically represents Rions mental stress. It ticks up gradually all the time, and using powers such as Nalcon or Red cause it to fill up faster. Thankfully its not nearly as annoying to manage as it sounds, since Delmetor is reasonably common and you cant actually Short until you press R1 to charge your powers.

There are several things to do in this room.

Searching here gives us a key that will be useful down the line.

Hitting this button on the control panel opens a door we need to progress.

Examining the mirror triggers a brief scene.

Images of a strange manor house flash through Rions mind.

All very good questions. Unfortunately Rion is going to have to wait for answers, because this is the end of this update. Join me next time as we venture deeper into the Hospital and muddle our way through some good old fashioned puzzles.