The Let's Play Archive

God of War

by kalonZombie

Part 4: Great Joe explains the ties a guy made between the Trojan War and Iceland, of all places.

kalonZombie posted:


Hold on, I'll try to translate. Just gimme a few minutes.

edit: DONE!

Alright, source is here:
This is taken from the Prose Edda, written by famed Icelandic priest and scholar Snorri Sturluson, which has been preserved for hundreds of years.


Nær miðri veröldinni var gert þat hús ok herbergi, er ágætast hefir verit, er kallat Trjóa, þar sem vér köllum Tyrkland. Þessi staðr var miklu meiri gerr en aðrir ok með meira hagleik á marga lund með kostnaði ok föngum, en þar váru til. Þar váru tólf konungdómar ok einn yfirkonungr, ok lágu mörg þjóðlönd til hvers konungdómsins. Þar váru í borginni tólf höfðingjar. Þessir höfðingjar hafa verit um fram aðra menn, þá er verit hafa í veröldu, um alla manndómliga hluti.
Einn konungr í Trjóu er nefndr Múnón eða Mennón. Hann átti dóttur höfuðkonungsins Príamí. Sú hét Tróan. Þau áttu son. Hann hét Trór, er vér köllum Þór. Hann var at uppfæðslu í Trakíá með hertoga þeim, er nefndr er Lóríkús, en er hann var tíu vetra, þá tók hann við vápnum föður síns. Svá var hann fagr álitum, er hann kom með öðrum mönnum, sem þá er fílsbein er grafit í eik. Hár hans er fegra en gull. Þá er hann var tólf vetra, þá hafði hann fullt afl. Þá lyfti hann af jörðu tíu bjarnarstökkum öllum senn, ok þá drap hann Lóríkúm hertoga, fóstra sinn, ok konu hans, Lórá eða Glórá, ok eignaði sér ríkit Trakíá. Þat köllum vér Þrúðheim. Þá fór hann víða um lönd ok kannaði allar heimshálfur ok sigraði einn saman alla berserki ok alla risa ok einn inn mesta dreka ok mörg dýr. Í norðrhálfu heims fann hann spákonu þá, er Síbíl hét, er vér köllum Sif, ok fekk hennar. Engi kann at segja ætt Sifjar. Hon var allra kvinna fegrst. Hár hennar var sem gull. Þeira sonr var Lóriði, er líkr var feðr sínum. Hans sonr var Einriði, hans sonr Vingeþórr, hans sonr Vingener, hans sonr Móda, hans sonr Magi, hans sonr Seskef, hans sonr Beðvig, hans sonr Athra, er vér köllum Annan, hans sonr Ítrmann, hans sonr Heremóð, hans sonr Skjaldun, er vér köllum Skjöld, hans Bjáf, er köllum Bjár, hans sonr Ját, hans sonr Guðólfr, hans sonr Finn, hans sonr Fríallaf, er vér köllum Friðleif. Hann átti þann son, er nefndr er Vóden. Þann köllum vér Óðin. Hann var ágætr maðr af speki ok allri atgervi. Kona hans hét Frígíða, er vér köllum Frigg.

Before I start translating, I'll just give a quick summary: Troy had 12 kings who ruled under a high king, one of those kings married the high king's daughter, had a son Snorri says is Thor, who has a long line of descendants ending with one Snorri calls Odin.


Close to the middle of the world [this is from back when "the mediterranean" actually meant "sea at the middle of the world"] was made house and room, the finest there has been, called Trjóa [Troy, though modern Icelandic spelling is "Trója"], there what we now call Turkey. This place was much larger than others, grander in cost and scale, than anywhere else. There were twelve kings and one high king, and laid many nations to each kingdom. In the city there were twelve leaders. These leaders surpassed every other men, who had been in the world, in every human quality.

One king of Troy was called Múnón or Mennón [speculated to be Memnon]. He was wed to the daughter of high king Príamí. Called Tróan. They had a son. He was named Trór, who we call Thor. He was cared for in Thrace by General Loricus, when he was ten years old, he recieved his father's weapons. He was so beautiful that in other men's company, it was like ivory buried in oak. His hair more beautiful than gold. At twelve years old, he had the strength of an adult. He could lift ten bear skins off the ground, killed general Loricus, his caretaker, and his wife, Lórá or Glórá, and took over the kingdom of Thrace. That we call Þrúðheim [this is the home of Thor in a good deal of mythology texts, pronounced "throoth-hame"]. Then he went wide across countries and explored every continent and by his lonesome defeated all berserkers and giants and one of the largest dragons and many beasts. In the northern half of the world he found an oracle called Síbíl [Sybil], who we call Sif, and married her. No one knows Sif's lineage. She was the most beautiful of all women. Her hair was like gold. [feel free to skip past the next period] Their son was Lóriði, who took after his father. His son was Einriði, his son was Vingeþórr, his son Vingener, his son Móda, his son Magi, his son Seskef, his son Beðvig, is son Athra, who we call Annan, his son Ítrmann, his son Heremóð, his son Skjaldun, who we call Skjöld [Shield], his Bjáf, who we call Bjár, his son Ját, his son Guðólfr, his son Finn, his son Fríallaf, who we call Friðleif. He had a son called Vóden. We call him Odin. He was a fine man in intellect and politeness. His wife was named Frígíða, who we call Frigg.