The Let's Play Archive

Golgo 13

by slowbeef

Part 11: Mini-Update

Lazy? The people who made THIS game?

I'm shocked!

Have you noticed the times they re-used dialogue?! I mean, talk about a copy and paste job.

I mean, besides the ellipses, take a look.

From Act I's first conversation with Maria Lovelette:

From Act I's first conversation with Cherry Grace:

From Act II, right before sex with Cherry Grace:

Later in Act II, at the Green Mansion;

How about the bases in Acts 3, 5, and 6?

Fake Oz Windham (Act 3)

Dick Brutos (Act 5)

Real Oz Windham (Act 6)

And the completely ridiculous Oz Windham conversations, fake and real.
Act 3

Act 6

And of course:

Cherry Grace, Act 5

Fake Oz Windham, Act 5

There's another major one coming up, but I won't spoil it yet.

edit: And oh yeah, the bad guys!

Act 5, Midget

Act 5, Spartacus:

Act 7:

Act 9, Oz:

Act 9, Midget: