The Let's Play Archive

Heroes of Might and Magic

by Darth TNT

Part 16

Update 16
Last time we invaded lord Slayers lands and took over two of the six castles. It’s like being half way there if you’re bad at math. Let’s see how far I can get this time.

Day 38

These two guys want to talk. I have decided that Antoine will not be staying here with units. He will instead head back to get more reinforcements. You may see him again sometime near the end of the update…possibly…maybe. There was a gazebo hidden in the fog of war there and after the swapmeet Kilburn visited it.

Troyan also visits a gazebo and like Kilburn gets no level ups.

Hey look, it’s Crodo! I’m starting to get worried, why am I still not the strongest!

Day 39

New victims for Kilburn!

The first challenger is Atlas, who we’ve already defeated but he ran away. Let’s try that again.

You can see how this is going. Interestingly despite getting good morale the AI decides to keep the ogres where they are. At this point I would've gone on full on offensive, but what do I know. Now, how can I kill him in one go. I think I’ll blind the goblins. Have the paladins kill the ogres and the cavalry can kill the trolls. The goblins being blind will not be able to move so he can’t run before my archers get their turn and I win.

So far so good.

And the archers finish the job.

Pretty good.

Trinkets! I can give that to Troyan. A nice +2 defense.

Old coins! Chicks dig old coins, so this is going to Troyan. It provides a +1 luck.

Is there no end to this…it’s so tempting to have Kilburn wear two pairs of shoes. But Troyan can really use these. Also, knowledge +1.

Next up Ergon.
I don’t feel like doing the first attack, so I just keep my cavalry where they are.

The cavalry do 1.702 in damage. Those wolves are splattered all over the landscape.

I have faith that my paladins can kill those Cyclops.

My trust is not betrayed, two attacks kills them all.

I suddenly realize that the AI will flee if I wait for my archers to finish the job since the orcs had their turn before them last round. So a quick lightning bolt should fix this problem.


Another flail! +1 attack.

Another medal, which is a +1 to morale.

And Kilburn is full, what is missing? Welp, that medal is lost in the ether now.

Kilburn passes off some artifacts to Antoine who heads towards Troyan.

Day 40

And so we have another very strong hero to help out.

Meanwhile everyone walks around, but the snow slow us down quite a lot so there's not much to show. So instead of a screenshot, imagine looking out the window where the mailman is struggling through heaps of snow while you enjoy a nice hot cup of tea.

Day 41

Finally a new week, so I can get units to fortify our position.

Meanwhile this guy shows up.

This guy is packing 109 goblins, but his army is weak.

I love that spells are so unrestricted in this game. A quick berserk spell on the goblins and let the fun commence. In later games the ability to use this spell is determined by formula comparing your spell power to the enemy unit level and HP.

I sometimes hate that spells are so limited in this game. She dispelled it by casting protection. What a waste.

Luck is just what we needed.

So the enemy has decided to turtle and keep attacking my trolls. That’s nice, but trolls heal themselves to full each turn and their attacks can’t kill a single troll. So that’s a waiting game I will win.

While waiting the trolls discover that the ogres use conditioner.

And the goblins die again. The rest is mop up, since we’re faster. The trolls even managed to get a lucky shot.

That’s a pretty elite experience I have there.

And this went so well that Troyan gains 2 levels.

Where am I heading?

Not in the wrong direction at least. Thanks Crodo. Yes, he could've cast it himself, but I believe in teamwork.

Day 42

And Kilburn finds his first target. But he’s short a single step.

Troyan meanwhile also finds a castle and uses a cunning ruse to gain entry.

She knocks down one of the walls in the first turn. Such strategy.

Unfortunately the tower kills a troll each turn.

And here is why the ogres are such great garrison units. Decreased damage output due to the wall combined with heaps of HP equals a long siege.

I get tired of waiting on these slow units and cast a 175 damage lightning bolt followed by a Cyclops gaze.

And victory is mine.

Welcome to another Portsmith.

Yog gets an army to help defend our middle two castles and end turn. Why him and not Antoine? I love the irony that he used to belong to the enemy. In addition I just don't like Antoine character portait.

Day 43

And not a moment too soon as another enemy approaches. I can’t check his strength, he’s too well hidden!

Yog goes to pray before the coming battle.

And again the walls are down in one shot. What is happening?

Those ogres are the only real danger. But a single hit from my paladins kills 14 of them.

All those "talks" with Troyan are working, Kilburn gets a +1 in spell power in his level up. He visits the castle quickly to replenish his spells and off he goes again.

Instead of having Troyan follow the barbarian she heads to the next castle.

Day 44

Ergon is short a single step to take my castle.

A quick prayer in C and…

Yog gets to try and earn his keep.

There is a chance that Yog will lose. My wolves are sent on a suicide attack since they would've likely been killed on the enemies turn anyway.

My trolls get to attack twice and I blind his trolls to cancel the protection he cast and keep them from shooting.

The praying is paying. They kill 10 wolves.

I cast curse on the trolls to dispel their bless. The Cyclops will attack the goblins and orcs in a double strike and my archers will gang up on the enemy trolls.

Imagine the beam being suddenly skipping a frame (hence the missed screenshot) to become wider and longer, enveloping the goblins like it's Dragonball Z. You can add screams of disbelief if you like. This kills 11 orcs and all goblins.

They have good morale as well.

And this is great, the Cyclops have paralyzed the enemy trolls. The orcs are killed upon retaliation and I can wait for the ogres to arrive to kill the trolls.

No, I wasn’t joking. I was also moving the archers just because.

Well done Yog. Attack +1.

And Troyan finds another source of our problems.

Day 45

Bad Ergon!

My wolves kill their wolves and their goblins.

I’m not even angry at them. Knowledge +1.

Castle Slayer! We have located the enemy base.

Day 46

It’s well defended at least.

And some extra units from Thundax. Interesting that he's there since he looks so much like lord Slayer on the campaign selection screen.

Is this going to be a thing?

The enemy didn’t run even when things started looking like this. Spell power +1.

Day 47

This is starting to get annoying.

Hello Barok, could you look after my castle please?

It was a short siege consisting of my wolves moving and my trolls throwing twice.

A victory is still a Victory!

Hi Antoine! Welcome back.

This seems very optimistic.

We wait and shoot while blessing the orcs.

The wall is down, but his army has shrunken quite a bit. I was focusing on the ogres.

We still hold our positions.

And then we stab them in the back. Victory!

And we get the medal of distinction again. So it wasn’t lost in the ether, it just went back to the enemy hero. And with that we have all castles except the enemies main castle. So time to combine the armies and attack.

Day 48
We run to combine and refresh spells.

Day 49
The first bits of army are combined.

Day 50
Troyan and Kilburn exchange pleasantries and have a heartfelt goodbye.

Day 51

Hi Crodo! How nice of you to join us. He came bearing units, which I've already taken from him.

Day 52
It’s a long walk to casa del Slayer.

Day 53

Almost there!

Day 54

Go get them team!

That is quite a serious army and order is restored as we can't knock down walls in a single blow anymore. Let’s blind the trolls first.

I say one thing and do another, we start with a lightning bolt on the trolls. Reason is simple, I expect him to try and disspell my spell. I'd rather pile on the damage and switch to blinding once he starts running out of spells.

He just cast berserk on my Cyclops stack.

That hurt a lot. It also put the swordmen out of comission for the time being. Fortunately, he has a knowledge of 1 so he can only cast it once.

I blind their Cyclops and attack the wolves.

This is a lucky attack on the wolves.

Followed by a lucky retaliation killing all the wolves. Wolves would be pretty good if they didn't die this easily.

My cavalry are having a hard time and worse is that we still only have one hole to attack with. They suicide sacrifice themselves for the good of the team on the ogres, coming just 1 hp short of killing one.

The paladins are furious at the killing of their buddy cavalry! This leaves only 14 of the ogres left.

And that’s still too much!

And now he casts anti magic on the Cyclops stack, too little too late Thundax.

Finally a bigger hole and a very nice shot for the Cyclops. So I cast haste on them.

The paladins kill the goblins and get a morale boost so they soften up the trolls.


And the retaliation kills the last of the enemies.

We win this battle, but at a heavy cost. I will never forget my cavalry until I buy new ones. You know, this probably would've been more difficult if he had used that horde of orcs instead of the goblins.

Not that it matters, but good to see that he learned something.

Now to claim victory.

That red box just said that we took the castle and scattered the enemies army. And with that Lord Slayer is defeated and humiliated beyond salvation.

The queen is next.

That finishes the barbarian face off, but there are two more rivals to go. First we take the fight to the sorceress, I hope I don't get Maximus as a hero. Chicks don't dig green men and more importantly I hate how he looks.