The Let's Play Archive

Heroes of Might and Magic

by Darth TNT

Part 28: Finale!

Update 28

Last time I lucked my way across the map conquered Blue, which was again the Warlock faction, and ran into Yellow who immediately started causing me trouble by berserking all my units. Our strength doesn't feel nearly as good when it's turned against us. This time I've decided I will take the fight to yellow or die trying!

Day 35

So looking at the map I have a feeling I need to go south west to find the enemy castle.

That was easy, we found yellows first castle! There’s also a decently powerful hero parked in front of it. I think I’ll take the castle and then worry about the hero. The last thing I need is for this hero to park it's ass back into the castle and turtle my army into oblivion. And maybe I can get some sorceress reinforcements afterwards to help take him out. Let’s get them!

This should be easy enough.

Now we wait…same as always. Their Phoenixes died weakening my cavalry.

Suddenly a direct hit!

I’m having some really bad luck sieging, but I guess it evens out considering the amount of luck I’ve had recruiting.

We know cavalry lose this battle, so why even try a fair duel.

Suddenly a sneak attack!

Victory is mine! And knowledge +1 belongs to Kilburn!

This castle is fully and I mean fully built! There is now way the computer bought all this fairly having only three mines. But I can't believe this luck, I took it over just in time. Things could´ve gotten ugly if they´d bought these fresh units and added a hero with magic to back them up.

Now for a surprise attack from their own castle.

How do you like my new unit? There’s only three of them, but combined with Kilburn, what more do you need?

This enemy loves their berserk spell as evidenced here again. I don’t know what they’re hoping to accomplish by berserking the phoenix.

Oh right, they had meteor swarm as well. Stupid.

And that’s the last of them.

Wait? What? Didn’t they have another castle? I win I guess, now all that’s left are the barbarians.

Day 36

More map pieces for Kilburn.

He scouts around, surprisingly, the sulfur mine had a green flag. So green is right around the corner. I assume that Green took one of Yellows castles at some point.
I’m going to save up some money to get dragons. I need one more turn.

Day 37

Somebody stop me!

Day 38

New week means fresh dragons.

I didn’t mean what I just said about stopping me.

It was but a bad shout out.
Actually, to be fair I’m pretty sure neither are much of a threat. Instead I’m going to try and nick their boat so Kilburn can sail to the center island and end this charade.

And we’re off to a great start.

The peasants killed over half the sprites and died to their wrath. The archers try to finish the job, but fail.

Fortunately, the paladins help out while the cavalry tangle with the sturdy dwarves.

And everyone helps out in the clean up.

Victory and a boat! Also, attack +1 for sir Gallant. I hope he´s happy, because he´s unlikely to ever see combat again.

It’s a nice boat.

Day 39

Time to get some units for Kilburn.

Next turn I’ll get him some dragons.

We wait another turn to get the full 4 dragons I can buy.

Day 40

I only brought three, because I spent a little too much money last turn. Three dragons should be enough right?

Even teleporting can’t get him to the boat.

Day 41

Into the boat you go!

Day 42

I am sailing!
I’m also ignoring the whirlpool. It’ll just jettison valuable units and I expect to be able to land on the island normally. In addition, there doesn’t appear to be enough room on this map to keep the Dragon keep sectioned off from the rest of the map via the whirlpools.

Day 43

I found a horde of griffins. Like those will scare me. I land. Did you know that if you land directly adjacent to an enemy unit it will always attack? I did but didn´t care.

So this happens.

The phoenixes attack first, being fast and at the top of the list. Actually, this is a pretty speedy army. Cavalry, Paladins and Phoenixes mean we can really pressure the enemy with our speed advantage.

My weakened cavalry try their hardest.

I suddenly remember that I have attack spells. There’s no use saving them since dragons are immune, so I may as well go wild with them.

My dragons are looking bored.

This despite being the griffins favorite target.

My woefully outmatched pikemen finish the job. Keep it up guys I know you won´t let me down.

I’m doing it! I´m winning this map! Also, because Kilburn has a sense of humor he actually levels up his spell power. You're not a wizard Kilburn.

Day 44

Really, is that the best you can muster to threaten me Green? You’re not even worth my time.

In later games dragons keeps look more impressive. They add a little bridge and tower to one side making it seem more formidable.

Nope, it’s all or nothing!

We can do this! I send forth my phoenixes!

My pikemen are going to be very useful thanks to this haste spell.

I wish I didn´t lose that many cavalry in the previous battles. They can’t even kill one dragon with their attack.

It’s the thought that counts.

I wonder if my dragons will survive. They appear to be the favorite target again.


As my phoenix stack starts diminishing I suddenly remember that I have more spells to cast.

A quick protection spell should keep them around a little longer. Seriously, the gap in power between the second strongest and the strongest unit is ridiculous.

This is a pretty long battle. I wonder if my dragons will even have to move from their spot.

The pikemen are at least laying on the tick damage and taking in the counter attacks thanks to their speed boost. Their naturally high defense and Kilburns defensive boost means that they can tank hits like it´s nobodies business.

Despite my love of phoenixes they are just not hitting hard enough.
But instead of blessing them I blessed my paladins. I love those guys and what mileage have they given me throughout this LP.

So with the retaliation taken care of the cavalry charge!

And with my blessing the Paladins show how dragon slaying should be done.

Time to help out my dragons, before they die. It would be nice if I didn’t lose any stacks.

Welp, there goes that idea. Though technically the phoenix should be reborn at some point in the future.

The cavalry help the pikemen and together they kill the dragon they had been tangling with.

No! Bad pikemen, poke the other purple dragons!

Only two dragons left! Alright, go for it guys! FINISHING STRIKE!



Your life ended when you met me.

I know you’re trying to be sporting Kilburn, but this is just silly. I won!

Now for the prize. A nice victory screen, or maybe even an actual movie?

Apparently I have to give my name first.

How do you spell TNT again?

I’m not on the list. Quell surprise.

And then I was Ubisofted. There isn’t even an ending cinematic. But I took the liberty of scouring youtube for one.
It's everything I could've hoped for.
Apparently you're also supposed to see a picture of some kingly dude telling all four of the lords how many days it took. I'm not getting that either. Was it that hard to get it fixed Ubisoft?

"I win! Now to get home, get married and have two kids. A boy whom I will name Roland and a girl who will be called Esmeralda. Brothers and sisters never fight, so the kingdoms future is assured. Not that it matters, without any brothers to backstab me I will live forever as king! But first I should write a celebratory letter."

21st Day of the Month of the Rat, Year One of the New Age posted:

21st Day of the Month of the Rat
Year One of the New Age

Hehe, month of the Rat.

21st Day of the Month of the Rat, Year One of the New Age posted:

Ragnar the Usurper,

It has been five years since my last missive. I can imagine how things must fare you there, sitting fat and blotted like a corrupt spider upon your cheap web of a throne, which you wrongfully assumed and which you have wrongfully held.

My strength here has indeed risen like a phoenix from its earlier ruin. Many and great battles have I fought. Citadels have I cast down, cities have I taken and raised MY banner over. Heroes aplenty now flock to my cause. I wonder what you have done of late, sitting safely behind your castle walls. While bards shall sing of my name, your memory will be nothing more than sayings and drawings about you and your so-called queen carved on latrine walls.

After long years of consolidating my strength in all areas, raising levees of peasants and pikemen, mounting warriors on horse, legions of ogres, goblins and trolls, marshaling the strengths of magic users and placing in the van the great creatures such as hydras and dragons, I set forth to sweep all before me.

Three of the high kings of this realm united against me. They laid cunning traps for me and placed great strengths in their cities. Many were the heroes they arrayed against me so that at one time I faced six different armies closing in upon me from all points of the compass.

It was then that the great investment I made in magic was rewarded. Twice I was able to teleport entire armies clear across my empire, placing them behind the advancing foes to crush them. I was able to control an Oracle and through her and by way of the thieves’ guilds I learned the secrets and intentions of my enemies. This was no small thing, for it enabled me to place my armies to parry their thrusts, and throw my armies into lands where they were weak.

The cost of such campaigns was great. I spent in a month what but a short time ago I would have believed to be undreamed of wealth. But if one wishes all, they must risk all.

I cast down two of my great rivals and finally there was but the great Lord Alamar to face my powers. Ragnar, you are but a groveling beggar compared to such as he. Long we struggled. He launched one attack that swept all the way into the heartland of my realm, forcing me to teleport back to deal with the threat.

Finally I was before his great and wondrous capital city. My siege engines smashed down his high towers.

Dragons struggled in the air overhead. Hydras wrestled upon the ground. Great legions of swordsmen, archers, dwarves, orcs, and peasant levees gave battle so that the ground was covered with the slain. With my magic wielders about me I gained the wall and there did I fight with spells, fire and sword against the great Lord Alamar, and his wizards that has already become a myth told by peasants around camp fires. He was cunning, mighty was his sword arm, great his magic, and brilliant his strategies. But they availed him for naught, for in the end I cast him down and my only disappointment was that he was able to flee into distant realms.

So now, Ragnar the pig, I own all this land of Heroes. All creatures within it acknowledge me as the rightful king. I shall rule it with justice and wisdom. I shall guard its borders well for I have heard yet more rumors of wars in distant lands, and evil kings that plot their return to overthrow me.

Let me add here that I view it as fortunate now that the fool Guthbert failed so miserably in his attempt on your life. If the plot had succeeded I would have but been a petty lord, in a petty realm, which is all that you now have. Your father murdered his brother, my father, to take the throne and you then took it from him. I was forced to flee, with but a handful of retainers into unknown lands, and here in the realm of Heroes I have carved out an empire to which a few paltry counties pale in comparison. To those who risk all, all may come as the reward. This shall be the last of the letters I will post at the gate. If you hear from me again it will be because the gate has opened and I shall come through it, sword in hand, seeking justice.

Farewell Ragnar.

PS. If Ewine is still with you tell her I have married and am quite content. My companion has all the attributes that she did not, trustworthiness, intelligence, beauty and kindness. Beyond that, she bathes more than once a year and is not surrounded by a cloud of flies, something I find to be most refreshing after having known Ewine.

So basically Lord Ironfists uncle killed his brother (Ironfists brother) to take the throne. The only thing worse than uncles are grand viziers, filthy backstabbers!
The uncle in turn was killed by his own son, Ironfists nephew, Ragnar. Ironfist then tried to get the throne back by having his court wizard Guthbert kill Ragnar. Guthbert failed at the taks and was captured, interrogated and killed. Morglin then proceeded to run away, arrived on Enroth and immediately began to conquer it.
I wonder how Morglins dad became king in the first place.

Where are they now:
Lord Slayer: No one knows. After his defeat at the hands of Morglin he disappeared from the world. At least as far as I can find there aren't even any references to him in later games.

Queen Lamanda: She either disappeared or became Morglins wife and then disappeared. There is one theory that she became the wife, but as far as I can see the only evidence to that is the image that accompanies the addendum in the final letter which displays a sorceress who shows some resemblance to Lamanda.

One thing that I should note, Morglins son Archibald was one of the best Necromancers/Warlocks around in his time. That magical talent must've come from somewhere.

Lord Alamar: AKA the guy who tried. As mentioned in the letter, he escaped and went into hiding. He showed up again in Heroes 2 helping Archibald take the throne. Canonically Archibald lost and thus Alamar was forced back into hiding. He then fled to Antagarich, where he joined with their warlocks. He shows up again in Heroes 3, first in prison and later again on the side of the Warlocks. The warlocks failed to win again.
He didn't show up anymore after that, so he either failed to flee through a portal when the planet exploded, or he simply finally died of old age or maybe he fled through a portal and decided to cut his losses and dissappear into history.

Lord Morglin Ironfist: He ruled the kingdom for 25 years after which he died. There has been no special mention of how he died, so it was probably old age. It's a bit weird though considering some of the other heroes from this game even show up in Heroes 4 many years later.
Anyway he had two sons, who started the next big war for the throne, which is the story told in Heroes of Might and Magic 2: The Succession Wars.
He did show up again as a ghost in the Armageddon's Blade expansion.

Lord Kilburn: Fought in the succession wars and was on his way to show up in Heroes3. However, he took a detour to help someone and was killed by werewolves. At least he died the way he lived, surrounded by hair.

I guess this is the end of the LP. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed as much as I did.