The Let's Play Archive

Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

by PoshAlligator, AngstyFerrets

Part 5

While the Steam version (which I believe to be the DOS version? There are so many versions it confuses me) might not have the worst audio compared to some of the other versions, it certainly isn't the best thing in the world either.

Interestingly there is a version of the game with super nice CD audio tracks. It's a shame that version isn't the one on Steam, but then old "blippy" music does warm my heart in its own way too.

The skull puzzle is fairly laughable, though. Not as laughable as the turny panel puzzle that precedes it, though, just for seer surprising ease. I hate those kind of puzzles usually, but it's just so hard to actually mess yourself up it's ridiculous.

A link to the skull section in that longplay with the CD audio mentioned above.