The Let's Play Archive

KGB aka Conspiracy

by red mammoth, Xander77

Part 27: Performance Review

Update 12 – Performance Review

I think I figured it out. I tried putting the white code above the blue code.
Next, I wrote down the first character of the white code, then the first character of the blue code, and so on. I got this message.

Easy to figure out from there.
Leningrad, August 16, 3 PM, Ladoga Park

I've got enough information now, but I've still got one loose end.

What should I do about Verto?

If I killed him right here and now, I'd destroy the Moscow snuff film ring. No more innocent people would be hurt. On the other hand, Vovlov might be angry with me for killing without authorization. Then again, he might be angry with me for leaving such a dangerous man alive. It's hard to say, and the no killing rule's already gone out the window with Lyonka and Rita. Why not kill someone who actually deserves it?
On the other hand, it's obvious at this point that Verto's not acting alone. He mentioned Romeo was going to some sort of meeting, and he has a secret message on hand. He is probably involved with a much larger crime organization. An organization that probably involves KGB agents. If I could track Verto to this meeting in Leningrad, I'd have a good shot at taking the entire operation down.

I'll let him live... for now. If I want to track him, I can't let him know I stumbled upon his secret message. Just make it look like I knocked him out and then ran for it.

We put the white paper back in the drawer.

Next, we put the blue paper back on Verto.

I'll put back the snuff tapes, too. I don't like the idea of carrying those things around.

I'll watch a couple minutes of the Maltese Falcon while I'm here.

Not bad. I'll watch the rest when I get home.

Goodnight, Verto.

I can't believe I got out of there alive.

Back at the bar...

Time to head back to Department P.

Time for my meeting with Vovlov. There'll be a lot to talk about. I did some questionable things, but I put my life on the line, and that's gotta count for something.

Needless to say, you are under suspicion of anti-Soviet plotting with foreign spies. And you allowed him to escape! You tread on thin ice, comrade! What feeble excuse have you?

I observed his every move!
Notably as he made his getaway!
Despite your inexcusable failure to apprehend the foreign saboteur, you were fortunate enough to have discovered the nature of this Verto's activities. Before we go any further, I'm afraid I've received some negative reports concerning your attitude. Let me see...
A possible obsession with sexual matters, needless complaining, questioning the correctness of your superiors, unauthorized investigation of your colleagues, an excessive taste for western ideas, foot-dragging attitudes, a tendency to deny approved historical facts, inconsiderate playboyerism, and a disregard for production in the agricultural complex!

Yes, all of this is based on your actions and dialogue options picked in Chapter 1.

How'd they get all that dirt on me? Must have been that bastard Belov. If I hadn't done so well on that last mission, they'd probably have kicked me out, or worse!
A depressing evaluation, Rukov. Whoever pulled strings to have you transferred to the KGB forgot to remind you that privilege entails responsibilities! Endeavor to bear that in mind.

I think I like Galushkin much better than Vovlov. He's a lot less petty, for one thing.

The photographs showing your parents is a surprise. Let us hope that the future sheds further light on the matter.
I sure hope the missing side of that photo is out there somewhere. It might shed some light on a few things.
Your work so far has been of a high standard, my boy. I have decided to let you follow up the case.

It's nice to get compliments from the higher-ups, for once.

I must go to Leningrad.

Ladoga Park.

3 in the afternoon, August 16.
Galuhkin: Yes, I agree. Your mission will be a delicate one. Take the Leningrad train this evening. You will stay at the hotel Gostinitsa. We must learn what Verto's people do with their videos. Are they exported? And if so, how? In exchange for what? Who do they work with?
I advise you to be wary of Leningrad KGB. Comrade colonel Kusnetsov is an ambitious man whose commitment to new thinking leaves a great deal to be desired. You will be contacted by your controller, in your hotel at 7:30 pm tomorrow. He will give you every assistance in clearing up this distasteful business. Guzenko is expecting you in equipment now. Good luck.

First of all, the transmitter and receiver. The transmitter includes a microphone of course, and transmits information in high-speed bursts, once every 30 seconds, which diminishes considerably the risk of detection. The microphone won't work if you are carrying it or if it's more than about 20 meters from the receiver!
The receiver includes a tape recorder. It records voice transmissions on an audio-cassette designed to operate only in the receiver! Very clever. What is more clever still is the means of listening to the cassette in the receiver. The integrated playback can be manual or voice-activated! I have set the machine to recognize only your voice saying the word “TALK”. That is your password. You say “TALK” and the machine will play back what the burst transmitter has sent.
The next item is a camera, a standard single-lens reflex, equipped with a 75-350 zoom, and a roll of extremely fast film which should allow reasonable photographs even in poor light. The shutter-release has been muffled, so you needn't be afraid of making too much noise. You are required to gather photographic evidence of any proof you uncover. As this is an official mission, you will have your KGB ID. This will allow you to visit colonel Kusnetsov in Leningrad KGB. He knows of your arrival.

That's the end of the first chapter. Next time, we're going to Leningrad/St. Petersburg.