The Let's Play Archive

King of Dragon Pass

by Mystic Mongol

Part 181: The Making of the Storm Tribe: Part II

Umathkar walks into the forge of Gustbran, Smith of the Gods. Sweating Guthbran looks up from the fire, where he was working the bronze bone of an old, dead god into a useful thing of metal. Umathkar tells Gustbran of her plight, but Gustbran says nothing.

Ask him to make something for you.

Challenge him to an arm-wrestling contest.


Leap into Gustbran's fire.

Trade one of your bones for the bronze bone.

The legends of our people.
How Things Begin, The Sword Story,The Contests, The Storm Age, The Making of the Storm Tribe, Humakt the Champion, Issaries the Conciliator, Lhankor Mhy finds the Truth, Orlanth and Aroka, Orlanth the Justice Bringer, Chalana Arroy Heals the Scars, The Great Darkness, Elmal Guards the Stead, Uralda's Blessing, and Ernalda Feeds the Tribe.

The Lightbringer's Quest.
The Journey West, The Sea Journey, Luathela, The Underworld, Orlanth and Yelm, The Ritual of the Net, and The Return.