The Let's Play Archive

Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days

by 1234567890num

Part 8: Day 13: Deeds to Be Done

Music: Sacred Moon

Come see me when you're ready.

Like Scan, Dodge Roll is never going to be unequipped unless I have to reorganize the panels.

Music: Lazy Afternoons
Music: Sinister Sundown

So, um-
Do you know what a Limit Break is?
It is the most powerful move at your disposal-one that only works when you are on your last legs.

No, that's not a perspective trick. It is a big Shadow.

A Heartless.
Time for some practical application.

There. Now you're on your last legs.
Let's see you use your Limit Break and defeat that Heartless.

Yes. We start a mission with 1/4 of our max HP. Lexaeus is STRONG.

This Shadow can actually hit us and we will die in 2 hits (if we didn't heal).

And the mission is done already. That's the quickest mission so far.

You don't even have to actually use the limit break! 2 Fires can kill him. (I still haven't used the shortcut function).

What the tutorial doesn't tell you is that every time you used a Limit Break the yellow gauge will decrease, so you can't just spam it. Sometimes lowering your HP into the yellow bar can be too risky, so Limit Break is not always the best thing. Especially since you're NOT invincible during it. Still glad it exists, though.

Organization members are often asked to conduct solo missions. The only person you can count on out here is yourself.
So I've noticed. Nngh...
You and that Keyblade are invaluable to the Organization. With your job, however, comes risk. Each mission will pit you against more and more Heartless.
And I have to face them if we're gonna complete Kingdom Hearts, right?
So what happens when Kingodm Hearts is finished? What good does that do us?
We will unite with it. You and I will gain hearts of our own.
I don't understand...
When the time comes, you will. In the meantime, there are deeds to be done, and only you can do them.

Lexaeus: I don't know how it works exactly. That's not my job to know. It's Vexen's and Zexion's. I hope nobody kills them.

Wait, I already used that joke.

So you need me.
Are they good deeds?

Lexaeus almost straight up confirms that it's not good for most people, just the Organization.

... We should return.

Like Marluxia and Larxene, Lexaeus will join the party for the last 2 second of the mission. Unlike Marluxia and Larxene, Lexaeus won't be joining on any other mission.

Music: Crossing the Finish Line

Skill Gear is a weapon. We'll see how it works it next update.

Music stops

Jeez, Roxas. Are you holding a grudge?

What is Kingdom Hearts? What happens when we gather enough hearts and finish it? I didn't know then...still don't... But I'll fight for my chance to be someone whole-fight against the darkness, for however long it takes.

New reports:

It said day 9, but it's actually day 9-13.

We still don't have Block.