Part 23: Episode XXIII: Portrait of Ruin
Episode XXIII: Portrait of Ruin.jpg)
Somethings not right seems like an understatement to all the batshit insanity of this joint at this point. So Patrick kidnapped and butchered 300+ chickens, nearly 50 pigs and somewhere upward of 200 kidnapped women and sex workers to cut up and stuff in a weird magic Welsh cauldron to resurrect his dead wife. Never mind that Ogden and Bessy apparently just had extracurricular activities of murdering anyone trespassing well after the fact.
And all that eventually resulted in is resurrecting a soulless husk. Even if the procedure had worked as planned... gonna venture a guess his marriage with Elaine would be mildly strained given the extent of heinous murder he committed... What was he going to do if she came back right? Was he going to have Bessy keep her busy while he and Ogden hastily run around the monastery grounds with a big wheelbarrow scooping up all the bodies to hide? What about all the ghosts and monsters the place was lousy with now?
Theres many flaws to this plan, is all Im saying... But well ruminate on that in a bit. First, weve got a boss encounter to sort out here. As soon as we step unto this corrupted holy water font we're attacked by the boss residing in Patrick's mansion. Given recent revelations, I can only assume Patrick Heyworth stuck his dick into the water flow outlet while getting his rocks off to satanic porn in order to coax out more evil spirits. With a drawing of his beloved dead wife pasted over the face of Baphomet and whatnot, naturally.

Music: Incantation Again
January 19th. Rain.
Blitzed another dozen hookers and poured their remains into the cauldron. Baked five hours on a medium heat just as the Émigré Document showed. Let cool for 20 minutes. Results... less than satisfactory. Too many legs. I think a spider might have crawled into the vat between cleanings. Will have to have Ogden clean more thoroughly before the next attempt.
Meet the Scapegoat, an enemy that definitely looks like it escaped from an alternate universe Bloodborne that was made in 1999. This mass of limbs and faces comes packing a fairly daunting 9216 HP. But despite its nightmare fuel visage, it isnt all that much of a threat. Especially with its severe weakness to Fire elements, being a Water elemental beast for... some reason. I imagine it is quite juicy.
The Scapegoats primary means of attack is launching a lightning orb at whoever is closest to it at the moment. Which means our forever frontlines facing vanguard, Edward. Which is a bad scene for him, since he is the only one that will take any sort of significant damage from magic attacks. James has healing Edward duties for the duration of this fight.
The beast can also throw a mean haymaker that hits poor Ed for about the same 500ish range of damage. That would be extremely problematic for Koudelka or James. Which is primarily why we have him up front. Really, Edwards only role here is to be a punching bag because the Scapegoat has a massive resistance to physical attacks.
Really, Edward cannot even break double digit damage from a three hit combo in this fight. He is utterly useless except as a damage tank while Koudelka does all the heavy lifting and James keeps him alive for more abuse. Im sure theres something to be said about the characters relationship from this dynamic...
Between pumping her magic stats every level, the Catseye weapon and all the magical trait buffing accessories equipped on her, Koudelkas magic stats will carry us through most of the game damage output wise. Even with nearly 10,000 HP this monster can be sorted out in 2-3 turns of hitting its environmental weakness. Especially since weve had Flare the longest, its now a Level 3 spell by this point.
Thats kind of it for the woman/spider/nightmare hybrid that is the Scapegoat. You might be thinking Koudelka might be slightly overpowered by this point. But Im going to counter that with: this battle system is terrible and anything that makes it go faster is perfectly fine in my book. Honestly, I probably should have had James start working on being a secondary battle mage to make the fights go even faster with magic casting overwhelming odds.
At the battles conclusion we receive the very last magical spell in the game -- Reflect. The Reflect spell works exactly like it does in many RPGs with a similar (usually identical) spell: it reflects magical attacks. This will be extremely useful (by which I mean all but mandatory) in the near future. So well just keep in mind its now a part of our magical arsenal.
Speaking of arsenal, the Scapegoat also drops the final pistol in the game -- the Automatic Pistol aka the Mauser C96. Also known as the right choice of handguns, the Red 9 from Resident Evil 4. Or the basis for Han Solos blaster from Star Wars if youre some kind of lame nerd. The Automatic Pistol is a straight upgrade over the DA Pistol and best of its class for handguns in Koudelka. Its chief advantage is having 10 rounds over the usual six of the revolvers.
Fun fact: The Mauser C96 was first produced in 1896 making this a fairly new handgun on the market. Clumsy Patrick must have dropped the one he bought into the homunculi cauldron as he was fumbling with all those severed legs he was dropping in that afternoon. What a buffoon!
In any case, the holy water font has been purified and with it another Permanent Save Point. After a long absence, were actually coming up on the next timed item unlock at 10:10:10. Well... in around half an hour, at least. But well sort that out next time. For now, weve still got some more business in this room beyond slaying that boss.
If the party tries to leave the room after killing the Scapegoat, a lengthy scene plays out as soon as we pass Elaines portrait. Lets take a look...

Koudelka performs some yoga breathing exercises as a low hum begins to emit from the painting and the ghost of Elaine Heyworth appears. Gonna go on record saying that the camera angle for this entire scene leaves something to be desired... I dont think they intended for this entire emotional scene to be punctuated by an omnipresent Koudelka panty shot. But here we are...


New Music: Dead (Music hardly ever plays in this game. You should probably listen.)





And with that Elaines ghost vanishes, never to be seen again.


And on that note well let James have that minute. Tune in next time as we consult with everyones favorite Franciscan monk on recent events and see if we cant figure out how to find Elaine and destroy her soulless monster body. I'm sure it'll be a straightforward, simple matter to accomplish. Im less sure if thatll sort out the nest of evil spirits and monsters fluttering about Wales. But at least its a solid objective as Koudelka continues!

Video: Episode 23 Highlight Reel (You should watch this.)

James OFlahertys Journey to Nemeton He was never good at talking with ladies outside Elaine.