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You've probably heard of Douglas Adams. He wrote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

You've probably also heard of Infocom. They were the text adventure guys.

You may even know that Douglas Adams wrote a text adventure version of Hitchhiker's Guide for Infocom. Honestly, it kind of sucked.

This is the good Douglas Adams/Infocom game.


Copyright (C) 1987 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
Type RESTORE followed by carriage return to restore a saved position,
anything else (also followed by carriage return) to start the game anew.


Our records show that you do not have a licence to operate this software.

Normally, you would be required to complete a Licence Application Form and
mail it (with proof of purchase) to our Licensing Department, and then wait
the customary four to six weeks for processing.

Luckily, for your convenience, we have, at the last minute and at great
expense, installed a remarkable new on-line electronic application form on
this very disk, which will be processed by our modern 24-hour computer
service moments after you fill it in.

[Press any key to begin.]

Ok, hang on - before we begin, let me explain what this game is about. The best way to do that is to read the manual, which is hilarious and I recommend it. But if you're in too much of a hurry to read (and if so, this is probably not the thread for you), here's the short form:

You've just moved into a new house. You only have one thing left to do, which is to send a change-of-address form to your bank.

Shortest and most boring game ever, right? Well, no, it won't be short, because the bank has some rather complicated rules, which are explained in the manual.

Ready to match wits with the bank? Let's begin.



Our records show that you do not have a licence to operate this software.

Normally, you would be required to complete a Licence Application Form and
mail it (with proof of purchase) to our Licensing Department, and then wait
the customary four to six weeks for processing.

Luckily, for your convenience, we have, at the last minute and at great
expense, installed a remarkable new on-line electronic application form on
this very disk, which will be processed by our modern 24-hour computer
service moments after you fill it in.

[Press any key to begin.]

SOFTWARE LICENCE APPLICATION Type ^ to back up a field. Thank you. Last name: First name: Middle initial: Your sex (M/F): House number: Street name: City: State: Zip: Phone: Last employer but one: Least favourite colour: Name of girl/boy friend: Previous girl/boy friend:

Ok, goons, tell me your personal info, and remember - this game was written in 1987, so it's too early for identity theft. Answer honestly!

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