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This is the last update. The end of the game. Will have some pictures, but the meat of the update will be in the videos.

Update 28


Enough images. This is the last part of the game. In video form. I hope you enjoyed this as much as I enjoyed making this thread (other than Year 3, of course).






And that is the end of Grim Fandango, the game that I consider the last great LucasArts adventure game, and one of the finest experiences in videogames.

Planning to make another Let's Play thread soon. Should I do The Secret of Monkey Island, following the adventures of the would be Great Pirate Guybrush Threepwood, or should I do Shin Megami Tensei, exploring post apocalyptic Tokio, recruiting demons and fusing them, with a cyberpunkish theme, and being quite nonlinear for a console game?
Anyways, this one is done. Thank you for reading

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