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Update #30: Kain enters the Vampire Citadel

Ahh, right where we left him.

We'd just passed by a door into the second half of the outer portion of the vampire citadel.

Ahh, more tribal bitches. Tastes like chicken!

Once again, we make a massive leap to a platform with...

...a portal on it. Huzzah.

"This history, in part, I knew already... How, as the Vampires began to die out, the Pillars summoned human Guardians to fulfill their roles."

"It seemed the ancient Vampires had adopted – and, when necessary, abducted – the human Guardians, and made vampires of them when they came of age."

"Until the humans rebelled against their masters… And here I made a surprising discovery: it was Moebius the Time Streamer, and Mortanius, Guardian of Death, who led the bloody revolt."

"Now I understood why Moebius hated me so intensely. I was the first vampire Guardian in all these centuries – and he knew what my coming signified…or perhaps I reminded him of all he had forsaken."

"I was confronted again with depictions of the Vampires’ champion, the bearer of the Reaver blade."

"And here too was his Hylden adversary, with blazing eyes, brandishing a flaming sword. Two heroes locked in combat which only one would survive."

"But which one? These murals prophesied two possible outcomes. I didn’t know what Moebius was trying to concoct, but this all seemed too convenient..."

Now this is interesting. It seems Raziel missed this second mural. Maybe he's not the destined victor after all...

Once again, I'm not going through all the monotony of this area. Fuck that noise. After spending a long time fucking around in retarded spirit forges, Kain finds the last section of the Balance Emblem. Hells yeah.

"With this fourth and final fragment, the Balance Emblem was complete. I now had the means to unseal the mysterious chamber at the heart of the Citadel."

This is the emblem of Time. When Kain uses this and expends a reaver charge, he gets bullet time.

Had to include this just because. This is what happens when the camera gets stuck somewhere it shouldn't be. Clipping errors are always worth documenting.

Moving on, then, we head back to the door we couldn't open before: into the heart of the Vampire Citadel.

Watch it here:

Video - Kain enters the Citadel

"For my ancient ancestors, the dark gift was clearly a curse, damning them to a kind of spiritual purgatory."

"But why were they compelled to seal this chamber so securely?"

"Perhaps the lock was not meant to keep intruders out, but to imprison something within..."

Elder God:
"Kain... Scion of Balance. Savior of Nosgoth."

"What is this?"

Elder God:
"Your arrival is foretold... The Fates have willed it."

"Is that so."

Elder God:
"I am the Oracle of your ancestors. I can provide the answers you require..."

Elder God:
"You needn't speak; I know your mind. You seek knowledge of your creature, Raziel... this I can offer, if you will look."

Elder God:
"He has found the body of Janos Audron..."

Elder God:
"He journeys now to Avernus Cathedral to seek the Heart of Darkness. You know what this means..."

"And why would I trust your prophecies?"

Elder God:
"These events are already written, just as you feared. But there is still time; he can be stopped."

"If Avernus is in flames, Raziel is five centuries beyond my reach."

Elder God:
"I may aid you in this regard as well..."

Elder God:
"This portal will transport you in time to the very hour that Raziel arrives in Avernus."

Elder God:
"This task is yours to carry out... since it was you who made him what he is. When you are ready, you may pass through."

Kain ponders for a moment.

"I knew of course that this 'oracle' was not to be trusted. But in the end, what choice did I have?"

And in we go.

Watch it here:

Video - Kain uses the Elder God's portal

"This peculiar sensation was familiar to me, and the chamber did indeed appear altered by time... In this regard, at least, the oracle seemed to have been truthful."

Elder God:
"I have delivered you faithfully to the very hour you desire. You know what must be done, Kain. There is only one way to prevent Raziel from doing great harm."

"He is not my enemy."

Elder God:
"But you are his..."

"From this vantage point I could see the city of Avernus in flames."

"The oracle had indeed brought me to the time it promised."

"It might also be true, then, that Raziel was already there, seeking the Heart of Darkness."

"If so, he had to be stopped."

"I could not allow Janos to be raised."

Next time: Raziel discovers many a dark truth, Kain heads to Avernus to stop Raziel, and we see the single most epic encounter in the series, bar none.

I'm going to do this in 2 more updates, rather then 1 - it'd just be too long. So, tomorrow morning: 300 mb of video, and a few hundred screenshot update, then tomorrow night, the finale.

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