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I ended up going Druid. It's what most people wanted
when I started this post, and because of the way Ultima IX works it won't
make any difference in the long run.

: Soooooo.... doing anything later?
: Please leave now.

: Stuck up gypsies. 

Oh shit

Woo! That was easy thanks to this awesome sword. As long as I
have this sword I can never, ever lose.

Here we go!

The Avatar seems shocked about something.

Is it the giant head?


: It's cool, it's no problem. I'll just use that nifty sword I
found earlier! That'll take care of the dragon.


Meanwhile, Doctor Doom and Namor are watching the events
unfold on their big-screen flat-panel Mirror of Darkness.
: My lord, the Avatar has arrived in Britannia and has been
easily dispatched by my Wyrmguard.
: Do not be so sure. The meddlesome "champion of virtue" is not
so easily defeated.
: Of course, my lord, but I ask you: where is he now? The Mirror
of Darkness would reveal Lord British's lackey. If he...

: The Avatar has been teleported to a place hidden from the
Mirror's sight. Our "virtuous paragon" could only have been taken to
Stonegate. And by one of great power.
: Shall I reduce Stonegate to a cinder my lord?
: No. I want the champion of Britannia to see what has become of
the land and its people. I want to feel his rage burn, as he sees what I
have done to Britannia. You are to keep the Avatar occupied until I
complete my plan for Britannia's conquest. What remains is yours... when I
am finished. Now leave me.
: Yes, my lord.

: Blackthorn, you are indeed a fool to want Britannia... once I
have finished with it.
Coming up soon, CHAPTER TWO: Chapter
one is a liar, don't believe him.
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