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: How'd you know?
: Call it woman's intuition. That and I couldn't help but notice that you're carrying a dragon's head. Come on, let's go.

Hahahaha oh god this is so tedious.

: Yes, I did.
: You did? But no one could kill a dragon! You must be the genuine Avatar!
: Lambert, he's obviously working with the enemy to fool us! No one could kill a red dragon. It's impossible!
: They can kill you with one glare from their eyes, haven't you heard? I want no part of this!
: Say what you will, but he has proven himself a hero.
: Enter, Avatar, for I believe.

: Maybe I am a trusting fool, but we need your help. Both my brother Reynald and my Commander have been gone for some time now.
: I suspect that Commander Hays may have wisely fled Valoria when the demons came, but my brother was foolhardy and would never have left without me.
: I fear he is in trouble. Have you seen him, Avatar?
: I am sad to say that I have seen your brother. He was wounded while fighting against the evil creatures that roam here, and I was unable to save him.
: He died as a warrior; his last words bade me bring you this shield.
: No! My brother!

The city of Valoria has three whole small rooms in it, rivaling the size and majesty of Britain.

: Who are you?
: My name is Artos. I was once counted among the most valorous of knights.
: There was a time when I never felt fear in battle, when I always emerged in triumph.
: Alas, those days are but a memory.
: What has befallen you, friend?
: Fear, sir. It paralyzed me, then caused me to flee the battle. In doing so, I left my companions to die alone and in agony.
: Surely you understand why I am so overcome with shame over what I've done.
: Who were you doing battle against?
: We were bested by the demons that even now plague Valoria. Through defeat, my valor has been stripped away and my honor forsaken.
: I will leave you to your solitude.

Meanwhile, on the other side of town, Mr. Froggonk looks like he's packed and ready to go somewhere.

Now we jump across the lava to the other side of town again.

You know what's hilarious? They actually bothered putting a map of Valoria in the game. Jesus Christ, who did they think they were kidding?

: It's alright, I'm the God-Emperor of Arrakis. I'm here to help.
: Really? The Avatar? I've heard about you! Oh thank heavens you've come. We are in a terrible plight!
: My husband is very ill and I'm afraid he will soon die!
: There are demons threatening the fortress, the knights can do nothing to help us and I fear that all will soon be lost!
: Please tell me about your husband.
: Oh it's terrible, he was attacked by a demon and is now very sick. I... I just don't know what to do. Oh please help. Please help him Avatar!

: It is I, my lord, the Avatar.
: I am relieved to see you, Avatar.
: Who are you, my lord?
: I am Meranthon. I once traveled with an order of mages so that I may learn the secret of defeating the demons.
: I brought back with me the Tome of Demonology, but it was lost when I was attacked.
: You were attacked?
: I was ambushed by a terrible creature that lives... in the Glade.
: I tried to flee, but was attacked near the Glade at the bottom of the volcano, on the east side of the island.
: There is where I lost the Tome. I was barely able to make it back here with my life.
: I had hoped to go back and retrieve the Tome, but it is too dangerous for me. I couldn't face that demon spawn again. I believe you could do it.
: Seek this holy book! Its secrets are sealed to all but he who is destined to destroy the Demon Triumvirate. We can only help that is you, Avatar.
: Yes, I will seek the book.
: Thank you. May the virtues be with you, Avatar.

Before we continue with the quest we go outside. Old Jak teaches us our second 1-handed sword technique

We also buy these two scrolls from him.

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