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Dungeon Destard: Complete solution (Part 2)

The teleporter takes us to the inhabited parts of the dungeon.

: I am the Avatar and I go where I like.
: Well, Avatar, I am Dartane of the Wyrmguard, the most feared warrior in all of Britannia!
: What the hell are the Wyrmguard doing down here?
: You dare speak to me like that? Well, perhaps you intend to die a hero. I haven't had much sport of late; killing you is exactly what I need!

He trips and falls on our sword.

The first room has this dragon statue in it that shoots fireballs at us.

The switch behind it turns it off.

We go right at the first intersection.

Our next right puts us in a small jail cell filled with giant rats. When we step inside the door shuts behind us.

Putting an item on top of the pressure plate reopens the door. An item such as these coins that we can't pick up.

On the floor is a Red Skull.

Now we can continue to the end of the hallway.

It puts us in this Wyrmguard training room or something.

Pulling down on the decorative daggers reveals another set of doors.

At the end of this room is a chest.

Inside the chest is a chunk of green eggshell for some reason.

There's a hidden passage on the side of the room.

Inside are the Wyrmguard Leggings, completing our set.

Now we go back down the last hallway and continue in the direction we haven't gone yet.

This room has 4 dragon statues and a pedestal holding up a bowl.

Inside the bowl is a key. Removing the key makes two things happen: first the floor fall away into a spike pit, then the dragons start to shoot volleys of fireballs at us.

We bravely run away, taking a right at the first intersection.

The first right takes us to a lava-flooded room with our first demon in it. Demons can transfer their mortality to other creatures; in the particular case of randomly-spawning demons, they summon goats or hellhounds. You have to kill the goat or hellhound before you can kill the demon.

A corpse in this room has a book beside it. 'INOPIA'? Sounds like something stupid.

The wall leading to the other corner of the room has two skulls embedded in it. We can reach the treasure by jumping from skull to skull.

It has a cut emerald and some reagents in it.

Now we head back to the hallway we came from.

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