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The path to Wrong is ridiculously long.
To offer
some perspective on the matter, here is a map.

The red part is our entire journey so far. The yellow
line is the road to Wrong.

Eventually we get to a justice banner by a fork in the
path. We climb the path leading up the side of a mountain.

The path takes us to this icebird guy.

: Yes, I am looking for the quill.
: Then you know you must be tested, no? Prove to me that you know
and love justice, and the quill shall be yours. Will you agree to
: Test me however you see fit.
: Very well, I shall ask you three questions; if you answer them
properly, you may have the quill.
: First, if a wolf kills a child, is it just for the people to
hunt down the wolf and kill it because it is a dangerous animal?
: No, the wolf is merely acting according to nature.
: Very good. It is unjust to accuse the wolf of being evil, it is
merely being a wolf.
: Another question: if a man kills your brother, is it just for
you to ignore the laws of the land, and avenge your brother by killing his
: No, it isn't.
: You are correct. While it is understandable to hate the killer,
it is for the people, not one person, to determine justice. People should
not confuse vengeance with justice. Now for the third
: A man accidentally destroys something that belongs to you. Is
it just for you to destroy something of his that is of equal
: No, that is not justice.
: You are quite correct. The man must be responsible for his
actions, but that does not give you the right to destroy something of
: Where is the justice in wanton destruction?

I'm torn between saying "Damn preachy game designers
" and "I know so many people who would fail that test
Okay. I never want to have to come back here ever
again, so we're going to take care of some business in Empath

: What is your name?
: My name is Brock. I am a monk here in the abbey. How may I help
you, my son?
: What is this place?
: This is what is left of Empath Abbey. Before the cathedral in
Britain was built, the abbey was the great monument to love in the
: Unfortunately, the abbey was destroyed when the columns arose.
I couldn't bear to leave the old place, and so I stayed when the other
monks fled to the safety of Britain.
: Can you tell me about love?
Oh sure, like a monk is
going to know a whole lot about that, Avatar. 
: Love is the most wonderful of things, my son. But I cannot
explain what love is any more than I can explain why the sun rises or the
moons set.
: Love comes from within and is different for everyone. Open your
heart, and there you will find love.
Oh. He means that kind of
: Goodbye.
: Farewell, my son.

Out back is this altar-looking thing.

Casting Ignite on all three braziers makes a large flame

Standing in the flame makes this large structure

Inside the structure is the Candle of Love. 
Before we continue with our quest, there's one more
thing I want to kill.

North of Empath Abbey is this glacier/ice floe/ice field

The reward for killing the ice dragon is a handful of
jewels and a Sword of Frost. 

A little further down the road and we arrive at Wrong.
The only dungeon in the game that is actually a dungeon.
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