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: A lot has happened.
: Well, fill me in.
: The Guardian brought us here to Terfin.
: Why? What did he do?
: He demonstrated that I can't hurt him.
: What do you mean?
: We fought, but every time that I struck him, I hurt myself.
: Did you hurt him at all?
: Not that I could tell. What do you think that means?
: I don't know. It could be magic, just some kind of trick.
: On the other hand it could mean that he's indestructible.
: I do know that if the Guardian is pulling tricks like that, then we must be getting close. We need to keep moving.
: I have very bad news; Samhayne is dead.
: What? But how? Why? How do you know?
: He was there, in Terfin.
: I don't know how or why he was there, but the Guardian killed him. He just killed Samhayne right there in front of me and there was nothing that I could do about it. I'm sorry, Raven.
: I don't believe this. No, this can't happen, it was a trick. The Guardian tricked you.
: Raven, there's more that you need to know.
: More? What more is there? I don't know if I can handle any more.
: You said that you never knew your father?
: That's right, he died before I was born.
: Raven, Samhayne was your father.
: What do you mean Samhayne was my father?
: It's true, before he died, he asked me to tell you that he was your father.
: I don't know what to think, I.. I'm stunned. I know this much, now I really want to get that son of a bitch Guardian.
: I'm worried, Raven. I'm not sure that I can defeat the Guardian.

: What are you talking about? You're the Avatar, you can't fail!

Darling so share with me,

: I know I'm the Avatar, but he just seems so powerful. He destroyed Skara Brae for goodness sake.

Your love if you have enough,

: Hey, it's okay to be worried. You may be the Avatar, but you're also human. Look, you will beat him.

Or tears if you're holding back,

: I know that you will, and not because you're the Avatar, but because you're the man I love. When I look at you, I know that you can't fail. We'll take care of Skara Brae and everything else. I know that it'll be hard, but we can do it.

Or pain if that's what it is,

: Alright, where do we go now?
: Well, I think that you're ready to sail this thing yourself. Let's go back to Buccaneer's Den and get the charts that you'll need.
: Alright, let's go.

: You go over to the cartographer's shop and get a chart. After you've gotten the chart, come and meet me at my house. I'll have a little surprise waiting for you.
: What kind of surprise?

: If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise, would it?

: What may I do for you today?
: Do you have any sea charts of Britannia?
: I have just the thing for you; it will cost you 250 gold.
: Yes, I will take it.

: Now, you just need to relax.
: What are you up to?
: Oh, I'm just cooking up a little something for you. Now, do you trust me?
: With my life.
: Good, then just sit back in the chair, relax, and enjoy yourself.

: These are just a... precaution.

: Well, I wasn't really expecting...

: Shh.

How can I let you know?

: Whoa whoa... wait a second, what are you going to do with that?

: You said you trusted me.

I'm more than the dress and the voice,

: This might... sting a bit.

: [Sizzling sounds]

: Arrrrrgggghhhh!

Just reach me out then,

: I don't understand.

: Don't worry.

: You will.

You will know that you are not dreaming

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