The Let's Play Archive

Lufia II: Rise of the Sinistrals

by Blackbelt Bobman

Part 20

Don't worry, Sully (what a gay name) will be in the next update.

Now that we have a boat, we can explore the high seas! Except that means SEA ENCOUNTERS OH LAWD

And unicorn. Amazingly bad translation, let me tell you. Okay this is the only sea battle I remembered to screen whatever more sea battles next update.

Let's explore the high seas!

Or not, looks like we're stuck in this place for a while. That is the "kingdom" of Auralio, but fuck it I'm going to Forfeit Island to the west.

Wheeee awesome. This includes stuff fed to capsule monsters.

Wait since yesterday? I've been on this trip for a long ass time, come on people.

Weirdos. This town also has a secret underground.

An underground casino! I actually spent a while fucking around here, but there's nothing I really need (YET) so I'll come back later.

FIRST OF ALL! This castle.

This is a castle, not a kingdom.

What's a Ruby Icon

apparently it's in this castle. The "spirit" of "happiness"

Oh yeah I forgot to equip this. The Tuff Buckler has slightly better DEF than what I have but doesn't raise anything else, in fact, you can buy them here. So I fed it to one of my capsules, fuck it.

Oh shi

"Meg remember that pony you always wanted? Well I got it and have been waiting for this moment to. . , oh yeah, that's right. . . Ponies like food. . . "

Apparently people from Auralio are here.

Okay so Dankirk and Auralio are at odds, and the prince of Auralio is giving their national trasure to Dankirk to ensure peace. Gotcha.

That's a neat icon. Okay well I guess I hope this goes over well for yous guys.

Of course it gets stolen. Of course.

Your Highness, I don't see the Ruby Icon anywhere. Has something happened?

Oh yeah, uh, we uh, put it away, cause you know, it's valuable. . . ha ha ha h aha.

Yeah okay.

Well it doesn't help if you give away that it was stolen, gawrsh.

Hmm, know anyone who can make things that look like rubies. . . nope, drawing a blank.

We should check out Auralio and see if I can get that watergate thing open so I can get the fuck out of here, fuck them and their damn ruby icons.

Ahahah if by Palace you mean house, I mean. . .

Fine I'll just ask nicely.

God damn it I guess I'll help them with their fucking ruby icon business.

You mean Jaffy? Oh right, him. Okay we can go there.

Oh yeah this place.

I have a favor to ask. Do you know of the Ruby Icon?

What?! The Ruby Icon? Of course, that's my master's work!


Yeah, I can still remember it clearly.

Well I need you to make that shit.

But my skills are no where near that of my teacher's!

Well see if you don't make it two countries could go to war, and it would totally be your fault.


Come on, I'll give you my special kind of encouragement

Well I mean okay I'll try, come back later. I don't have a Ruby but glass will be fine right?

This is the next day.

Hey good timing I just finished.

This is amazing!

I can't believe you did that from memory!

Well it isn't exact but it's the best I could do.

This'll do. Thanks Jaffy!

Whoops hold it a little higher MAxim it's blocking your face.

I guess it works!

Nah this won't work.

Oh, you could tell.

This is really good, but I can tell it's an imitation.

An imitation? Good grief, it looks just like the real thing!

Not to these eyes. This lacks the devilish power of the Icon.

This is the work of a friend. I guess I should apologize. . .

Nah, I mean, I can't postpone the ceremony any more, so I'll use this. Thanks.

The king is and the queen is

So this is the Ruby Icon. Just as I heard, it's quite a beauty indeed!

The Ruby Icon, it's mine at last! Wait. . . this is not the Ruby Icon!

Alex was the prince of Bound Kingdom, this prince's name is Leon. . .

Anyway, so the princess reveals to the king and queen that the icon was stolen, duh.

But his name is Leon syduck:

And then the King calls for his prime minister, James. But alas, James is nowhere to be found, and was last seen entering the North Dungeon?! How suspicious, maybe he stole the icon?

But you called him Alex before sypop:


Northern hole in the ground more like it.

Yeah well then what the fuck is your job anyway? Stopping people from going in? Why are you even HERE?!

These. . . fucking. . . crabs. . . I just AHHH MUST KILL CRABS!

Wow a slash grass to reveal switch puzzle, yawn.


More reused sprites from the first game.

Stepping in front of this wall thing makes the eye open and the door close. Damn! I'd better. . .

Hide behind this pillar haha!

Alright so I have to turn some switches blue.

apparently this was supposed to be the second switch I hit, whatever.

Some chests I can't get to. This is down another path stemming off from the first room.

Hitting this switch made that glass bridge appear.

Back in the main room, I can apparently jump down here, so I made it so I can swing across to that pillar down there.

Good thing I made that bridge.

I'll bet there's NOT a switch under here.

Oh man that was crazy, that whole WALL moved!

Hitting this switch, a message pops up telling me I'm getting closer to my goal.

I had to hack some vines to get to this wall, and it took like three bombs to finally blow it through.

It took me to this room. This isn't a very interesting prize

This is pretty good though.

This is good, now I can cross where I initially went to that floor. Or something. Sorry sometimes things make sense in my head but not when I write/say them.

Oh no going this way, I'm blocked! Doesn't matter, there isn't anything I need over there.

Yeah so I can cross here now I was trying to say.

Another stupid silly puzzle

All you have to do is hit those, it isn't hard or anything.



There are eyes in the walls! Poke them with arrows!

Hitting these two opens the path, but there's a switch in here I still want to trigger, so

Yeah, the eye of the beholder etc.

Alright. Oh shit vampires

Oh shi haha they're bats.

I can't get to this yet. However

There's blocks and switches and shit. Well if I push it onto the left switch

Okay there was a button there but I pressed it let me try again

So when I put the block on the right switch, this button appears.

Now I can get that chest

Word yo. Wait what about that switch?

Magically, when I push the block back onto the crest where it was originally, this happens.

No I can continue down past those spikes which are gone now.

These guys can instantly kill me, it's annoying.

Oh no I'll bet there's not a secret passage here.

You know, saying "I'll bet there's NOT something here " is probably getting old I'll stop.

FIGGORO!! I've actually read the barber of seville.

7/8 we're almost there.

A wrench that automatically hits all enemies AND attempts to confuse them?!?! AMAZING! By the way, name two other games where a character uses a Wrench as a weapon. I can only think of one

More dagrons.

Oh god evil EVIL!

They attempt to use some death spell, but they suck.

Hmm this grate looks suspicious I'll just

Cool now I can fall down

Now I can cross there, which is useful.

Why do they put save points midway through dungeons? I don't understand. Put it right before the boss, geez.

I have to hit this switch from over here to continue on, because it toggles the other bridge.

One last puzzle.


Oh look probably the boss. Right before this I fought a shadow which dropped

It has an IP which attempts to instantly kill all enemies, which is cool. But I'm pretty sure it's cursed, not completely sure, but I'll leave it for now.

Okay this is the final save before boss of the dungeon, there.

Uh oh it looks like this guy is conspiring with someone we don't even know! Let's stop them!

Where's Gratze, do we even go there?

There's a dumb sequence here where Guy introduces everyone will a cool title, except Selan who he calls "Magical Wife" Selan! anyway they send their best men to kill me!

Yeah okay, I lied. A bunch of wimpy soldiers who are a fucking joke.

Come on, the normal enemies can instant kill me, what a joke.

The prince runs away through that door which you can't ever open.

Yeah he's fucked. So we take him back to the king

Who takes him directly to jail without passing GO. Well anyway, the ceremony gets on, and everything is fine now. Woo! Way to go us, ensuring peace all over the fucking place. And of course the prince is in love with the princess of Dankirk, etc. Well the whole point of doing all this shit was:

I can continue on woo

Is it emitting light? Perhaps it is *gasp* A LIGHTHOUSE!

Now I can continue however, er wait one second

You know you're not supposed to eat after midnight!


Remember Dorf?

Anyway, next update I'll use Dorf, and you know, explore the high seas and all that goodness.