The Let's Play Archive

Lufia: The Legend Returns

by Blackbelt Bobman

Part 5

Verbose posted:

This is such a bad game. You must really hate yourself.

I wouldn't say this game is terrible, but it certainly isn't as great as Lufia II. It's better than the first game. I think the story is a little less of a fetch quest than the others. You're literally looking for people to help you, so when you meet them, and they say "okay if you do this I'll join you," it makes more sense than "Welcome to my town, we have a problem you must fix before continuing!"

So anyway, the fifth floor of the Tower of Death starts here. There's a healing panel, but you can't save, which is annoying if you're trying to kill Gades, since if you're unlucky and your hi bombs don't do enough damage. . . you have to trek back up the three floors. Lame, I know.

Hmm, a throne. Cool. Note that if you try to walk around the throne and continue up the tower you get

this message. We'll go up to the top eventually.

Hey budddddddy

I never thought mere humans could come all the way up here.

Who are you!?

Be careful Marco, this guy. . . he's strong!

Ha ha ha! That girl know better.

Hmm. . . I actually had to look back in the Lufia 2 thread to remember which emoticon I used for him. But he's back, and as aggressive as ever!

Sinistral of Destruction? Then you're the one who destroyed Lamika's house?

Oh that? I wouldn't call that "destruction."

Frue story, this typo is actually in the game. There was another text box error earlier, but I didn't show it.


A few thunderbolts later

You know, he can float in this game, and that's way more badass than ever before. Imagine a giant fucking beast of a man floating in the air with his giant sword. Fuck yeah.

Ouch, Marco are you okay?

Ow, what is he, stupid? Destroying his own place like this?! Since you're the Sinistral of Destruction, did you destroy your own mind as well!?

I have never been so insulted in my entire existence. Very well. I will destroy every cell in your body and reduce you to nothing!

Trying to be a tough guy? You idiot, shut up and fight!

Oh he is fucking pissed now.

Now I'll finish you!!!

What the fuck?! Why are you making him angrier?

I'm gonna defeat him anyway!

Now they ask you if you want to prepare. If you're like me, you've prepared ahead of time, but I mean if you want to you can double check everything is ready. If you watched the informational video, you'll know what you need to prepare, but just in case I'll recap the three preparations you need, in list form:

Okay let's kick his fucking ass:

Probably my favorite sprite of Gades. For comparison:

Cool, but can't float.

He kind of looks like Viggo from Ghostbusters II, except this sprite makes him look fat.

Well anyway let's kick his ass.

Okay first turn Marco MUST use this move. Gades has 2000 hp, this does 250, which leaves him with 1750. That means that with 8 hi bombs, you need to do an average of 218 damage per bomb. If you don't kill him after 8 bombs, well, reset and try again I guess! Luckily he gives you three turns where he dicks around and taunts you:

All the while you're beating on him with bombs.

This is a good bomb. If most of them do 220-230, then you're fucking lucky. It takes a few tries.

He continues to dick around on turn four

He raises his attack power, which is completely superfluous because he would have killed you anyway. This is just to give you enough time to whittle down his HP (if you're hardcore enough to try and defeat him)

The fifth turn he attacks, finally. He either uses a physical attack, which does ~230 damage, or he uses his SF attack, which hits a whole row for like ~260-270. Luckily, these only kill one person, so the other should be able to deliver the killing blow with the eighth hi bomb.

Congratulations! You just broke the game! I prefer for Seena to be the one left alive, because Marco is about to get a ridiculous piece of equipment, so she needs the extra level more than him.

Tons of gold and tons of LP?! Fuck yeah bro. That 1000 LP will last us a while. Everything about this is awesome and completely worth the hi bomb grind.

Yes, we will come back to this in a moment. Story time for now.

Huh, not bad. But playtime is over! DIE!

Lightning bolts to the face. We now return you to your regularly scheduled dialogue (normally you just come out of the battle on the ground and the text starts here)

Damn, he's really strong!

Well, you never should have said stuff like that! What are we going to do?!

Well, if you can't beat em. . . RUN!

Smart decision!

What a funny boy. I suppose times have changed since then. . . I will not destroy him right away. I will allow him to entertain me a while longer.

Well he is a Sinistral, after all. . .

Me too. I thought we were done for.

But I guess even a Sinistral can be "human."

Why's that?

He got flustered when I provoked him. I thought a Sinistral would be above that.

But he's still way too strong.

Well yeah, but, I feel we can defeat him if we get stronger.

Hmm, you might be right. . .

But we can't do it alone.

You're right, we'll need more people to fight with us.

Well then, Patos Village is no good anymore. We'll have to move on.

Yes, we should.

Here's something pointless that I bet you didn't know was there:

Eh, why not, it might come in handy in a tight spot.

The next thing I did was headed back to Patos and taught Marco strong. I also raised both their SF levels to 10. Oh yeah, you're probably wondering what that Gades Bracelet does.

Hmm, raises your defense and attack, huh?

by one fucking hundred

Hmm I don't think the early game is going to be a problem. . .

NEXT TIME ON LET'S PLAY LUFIA III: What lies beyond the Tower of Death?! Tune in to find out!