The Let's Play Archive

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom

by Blackbelt Bobman

Part 16

Another exciting update, full of pointless backtracking! And we see the start of a series of fetch quests leading up to the Dual Blade. We have to endure countless fetch quests to finish our fetch quest of getting the Dual Blade. Seriously, who thought that was a good idea? But I digress.

Yeah, I'd better go there. But first, let's explore the rest of the continent!

Here's one of those shrines. By the way, taking the warp inside takes you here:

This guy advises you on where to go, in case you forget or something. And he heals you, for free!

This cave has an old man living in it (what's with old men living in caves?) who tells me to go to the mountain tunnel. Alright already, crimeny!

BUT FIRST! More new monsters!

I'm afraid that, every breath I take, every move I make, these guys will be watching me

Wait. . . sorry. Homonyms, you know?

Mace men, and Gold Orcs, both recolorings. The mace men sometimes come in groups of four that viciously rape your team, it's pretty awesome let me tell you!

Mountain tunnel.

Yeah, every time I try to go ahead, I end up not being able to move! Maybe that old man mysteriously living in that cave can tell me.


Huh, thanks. I'll go try and see if I can figure it out from there.

Totally made it through, oh yeah! On to Odel.

Awesome, that cave was annoying. Finally here! Here's a great typo:

Glass Robe actually that's the first one I've seen, I think.

Yeah Mixam mentioned something about the Lyden wizard at the beginning of the game, looks like I might have to check it out later.

But there's an architect named Prion in the castle, he might be able to help you!

Architects design things, they don't build them!

Well maybe he can design a new bridge for you to build yourselves!


Man, I hate those guys.

Meanwhile, in the basement.

Okay, small plot device, whatever, I'll just go get that guy to rebuild the bridge.

Yeah, I'd love to help you, but I need my assistant. He's in Lyden gorging himself on gourmet food, could you go get him for me? I'm going to stay here and flirt with this princess.

Okay. . . I have to go and fetch this guy so that Piron can fix the bridge so I can fetch Raile so I can fetch the Dual Blade. Whatever.

Also note that there is an underground tunnel leading to Shaia Lab 2 (the one I was just at) that exits in three places, one of which is Shaia Lab 1, one is just on the world map, and the third is into the cave to Arus. I'll go there later.

They don't have arms. . . or faces.

What a ridiculous name, seriously. Do the people in Lyden eat these things or something? And wtf is with their backs?!

These are actually kind of cute

Here's Lyden, on the southwestern most part of the continent.

You know, this isn't so bad, cause he goes right away, and I can just warp back to Odel. Check out the awesome item selection here:

I guess when your town is all chefs. . .

Like I said, Wizard of Lyden.

This comes into play later, which is the only reason I'm showing it to you. BACKTRACKING YOU SAY?! I NEVER WOULD HAVE GUESSED!

Hmm where does this lead?!

Why, the tunnel under Shaia Lab 2! How convenient! I went west and ended up in Shaia Lab 1 which is off on its own little island somewhere:

And north warped me to a special section of the cave to Arus:

well anyway let's go talk to Piron.

What a jerk! Fine. . . grr. . . I'll go check it out for you.

BLUE MEANY! And armor lord. Blue meanys cast flame for some reason, and armor lords are just really weak to flash. Blue watermelon? Where am I, Yoshi's Island?

Pin lizard, which doesn't do anything special, and Mighty Oak, which is really weak to fire and luckily doesn't viciously explode when you kill it, like some other trees in another SNES RPG.

SNAKE? SNAKE!!!! And blue wisps or something, they are weak to magic like the other monster they're a sprite recoloring of.

There are three enterances, the bottom one leads to Shaia Lab 2, and the middle and top ones are connected.

Stroner mimics! These still give you fucktons of exp.

At least there aren't Ghouls AND Ghosts, that would be excessive and I'm not wearing pajamas under my armor.

This is as close to the bridge as I can get from here, I need to find another enterance to the cave. Apparently there are four!

I had to go a secret side route to get here! But this one takes me to the bridge.

4/8 We're half way there! But not living on a prayer.

That's a pathetic excuse for a suspension bridge, but whatever. Let's go tell Piron.

Of course, I have to walk ALL THE WAY back.

Yeah, the one I was on before and took the screencap. Yeah, from the other enterances. Yeah. I think this is to force you to explore all the sections of the cave, but in reality it's JUST TO PISS ME OFF.

Luckily, if you use an Escape (or the spell escape) here, it takes you to the other enterence I used before, that leads to the other section. So that's lucky!

Sorry I'm skipping a lot of this dialogue, but it's completely pointless, it's just Piron saying "I want you to make sure I don't make mistakes! Yuck yuck! And we'll get our tools while you check out the bridge! Hurr!"

This literally consisted of them each placing three panals. Some bridge! There's a "bridge broken, you need to gather people to rebuild it!" plot device in Lufia II, as well, but it's less annoying.

The lower levels of this cave are all toxic marsh-y. And there's a door.

Well I can't use magic!

No one asked you! I'm going to try!

. . . Damn, I got nothing.

Well, I can use magic too, I'm going to try! 'La fallas, la fallas.' . . . nope, nothing.

I guess I'll try.


See? I told you magic was my strong point! I TOLD YOU I WAS GOOD AT SOMETHING!

Yeah, yeah, I get it.

Anyway, outside this door is:

Arus! YAY!


Yes! Everywhere! It's so beautiful, I'm going to go roll around in it!

Is this flower special or something?

I guess. Lufia has always loved flowers since she was a little girl.

You've known each other that long?!

Well, yeah. . . sort of.

I'm totally jealous.

Jerin secretly wants to do Mixam, it's true.

Where's that Raile Shaia so I can kick his ass for making me travel this far to find him?


Yes, a chain of fetch quests! And guess what? When I finally get Raile, he's going to send me on a series of fetch quests! IT NEVER ENDS FOLKS!

But why was that door sealed? Why the ominous earthquake? Why could only Lufia open the door? More revealing plot devices next update!