The Let's Play Archive

Lufia and the Fortress of Doom

by Blackbelt Bobman

Part 5

okay, finally updating since I'm done with this semester finally!

I'm on my way back to Sheran to save the King or something.

Oh geez, now I'm going to get it.

Damn it woman, you're mad but still concerned and damn make up your mind!

Take me with you

No, you're weak and will die

I won't die

I don't believe that.


This was fate, wasn't it?

I still remember when we were children and. . .

Are you going to sit there and talk all day, or are we going to go and do shit?


So lufia joined my party, here's her speciality:

She's the main magic user of the game. And she's pretty great at it, I must say. But she can't heal at all, I don't think, that roll goes to the other magic user you get, and also Mixam can use some healing magic, being the descendant of Maxim and all.

On the way to Sheran:

This guy is injured. I guess I should probably save him.

This is that guy from Chatam whose sister is a maid at the castle. Wait, I showed a screen of that, right? Well in any case, he's hurt and can't go to Sheran with us, so instead he gives us a key to the castle.

Okay, apparently I couldn't have saved the king without this key, it's a good thing I didn't go into the castle before!

okay so Castle time.

Yes, I will pillage the castle of ALL their potions! MWAHAHAHAHAHA!

A king? Not the king? I'm confused. Well anyway let's go explore some more.

Locked doors suck, I hate them.

Switches piss me off, ESPECIALLY when they're not flipped! ARGH!

apparently this staircase wouldn't appear without flipping that switch.

Cause she can't see through the bars.


What a douchebag king. I don't have to rescue you, you know! Gawrsh. Oh and I should probably figure out which one of them is Liliah.

That was easy.

Okay well anyway enough of that we should take them out of the castle.

Now I have five people in my party, how special! Let's get out of here.

Oh shit. Hey he looks familiar

"well, so am I, but I have a hero complex and need to sacrifice myself to save you guys."

FOOL! Man, that's a silly mission. And he didn't even destroy any of the buildings. He sucks.

Get off your high horse, Mixam, it's going to get you killed.

That's a rather big claim, I mean, I think there are some more evil people than you buddy.

That's pretty evil. . .

Oh shit guys what do I do uh fuck. ATTACK!


Ow. My pride.

I'm still alive? Hey wait don't touch lufia.

Wait I'm supposed to be protecting you!

That's strange, Lufia scared him away. I guess he heard about her tea.

That's good. Everyone is safe. Except me, I should be dead. . .

What about the knights?

They chickened out


Haven't you heard? Evil never dies! It only goes on vacation. IN HELL!

Let's go back to Alekia and tell Roman. I think he's like a father figure to both of us, I have no idea.

Word travels fast, I guess.

Yeah, he was slow but damn his blade stings.

what are you going to do now?

First I'm going to take that girl back to her bro in that shitty village I can't even save at. Then. . .

You're going to go on further, aren't you?

Okay *walks outside*

So I'm going to go with him


Wait, you're not objecting?

bitch, your awful tea keeps my customers away. Get out.

Uh. . . okay.

He's demanding.

NEXT TIME: I escort Liliah back to Chatam, and then what?! I don't even remember what's next! I do know one thing: It's weird that Gades ran away after seeing Lufia.