The Let's Play Archive

Lunar: Eternal Blue

by Camel Pimp

Part 32: Odds and Ends #4: Dicking Around on the Destiny

Odds and Ends #4: Dicking Around on the Destiny

So we finally have a vehicle! So what can be do now?

Honestly... not a whole lot. All we can really do is go back to the places we already visited and see how they're holding up. So let's go to Meribia.

: I guarantee you'll not find another attraction like it!

Tunnels of Carnage? That's new... huh. Let's go see what that's about.

: Yes, I'm a coward and proud of it!

Oh, how scary can some stupid little-

: Pretty scary, huh? I've taken just about everyone through the sewers. It's a pretty nerve-wracking job, but someone has to do it.

Oh. After we went into the sewer, apparently Ramus decided that a monster infested hell-hole that was the sight of multiple kidnapping would be a great tourist attraction. Obviously.

: She says I spend too much time in here looking at all the pretty ladies.

And because everyone on Lunar is terrible it works.

: I think I'm going to inspect some of the merchandise...
: Grandpa last time you did that we we're stuck with a huge lawsuit! [sic] That's why we almost lost this store!

Just the worst.

: I've turned it into a magical haunted ride. I've gathered a ton of kids who work for peanuts, and continuing on with the family tradition, I've hired only beautiful women.

The worst.

: Ramus, you're a living legend! You've turned this place into a giant bank! With all the money you're going to get you shouldn't have to go bankrupt! Say, you don't want to make a small donation to the guild, do you?

Of course Lemina approves...

: Sure! I'd like to see just how attractive these sights can be!
: ... ...wait for me!
: Hiro!

And now everyone's awful. Except for Jean. Because she's the best.

So, since everyone's made a huge to-do about it, what's in the sewers now?

Not a god damn thing. Seriously. I poked around, and there's no people, no pretty ladies, nothing. There's still random encounters, too. I'm not sure if Ramus's ability to profit off a frankly unmemorable middle-game dungeon says more about his salesmanship or the stupidity of the general public. Oh, who am I kidding? If attributable to stupidity, always chalk it up to stupidity.

: That has got to be the best Ramus ever made! Look at this! See?! See?! That's real blood... my blood! I barely escaped with my life! What a total rush! Ha ha ha ha ha! Whooo Hoooooo!

Case in point.

Oh, I finally got to selling off the armory that Leo so generously donated to our cause. All his shit sells for 38,900 silver... not bad. Not bad at all.

: The chicks back in my home town dig a guy that can bust bricks with his tongue.
: Who wouldn't?! You mean to say that Lunn can actually do that?! Tell me... um, is he seeing anyone right now?


...Lemina. No... No... no. Just... no.

In the interest of fairness, I'd like to mention that, yes, all this new dialogue in Meribia first shows up after the events in Vane. Still...

Anyway! Sadly, Meribia has the most new interesting dialogue. Most locations don't really have a lot of new dialogue at this moment. Vane doesn't, really. So we're skipping it. I'm not going to bother backtracking to all the towns we've been before. For one, there's a lot of them, and for two, now I have to actually travel there rather than warp. As a matter of fact, as for towns we're just checking out Meribia and Azado.

: Oh, it's just you. Um... disregard everything you heard about our monster problems, okay? Blasted bureaucrats won't let me talk about our local problems...

Well, I dunno, I'm inclined to agree that the town greeter probably couldn't talk about the city's every-growing meth problem.

Although this is one of these things you'll find out about anyway.

: Before, I used to dread them.

At the very least, life seems to improving in Azado.

: They might be able to find you if you make sounds. You'd better be quiet.


: They're only 253,001S!

You're adorable.

: But don't you ever believe him. He's a habitual liar too!
: Since when have you ever known a drunk who wasn't?

God Azado is so fucking depressing.

: I've taken enough bribes from these priests to keep quiet to pay my way to a nice quiet island for the rest of my life!

Well I guess it's not all bad.

Also, enjoy this completely mangled conversation:

If you talk to him again:

: Have you no shame? Your presence on this holy ground defiles the good name of Althena! Your intent is not that of one true of heart!

You get the dialogue I'm guessing you were supposed to get. Although Ruby's response is strange:

: have a nice day, now! ... ...and mind your own beeswax, ya kook!

And that's it for Azado. So, what else is there to do in the Destiny? Well, we can explore the world map a bit.

I'm using the remake's map because a) there's no real difference and b) it looks a little nicer. Also, I decided to censor some future areas' names. Regardless, you can see we've thoroughly explored the Eastern side of the map. As you already know, next up we're visiting the White Dragon Cave up in the northwest. However, can we get to any new location early?

Well, let's try and go south from the Dragon Cave.

Ah, that's a no go. Well... if you look at the map, there's an area left of Larpa that we haven't explored yet. If you go back to Meribia, down to Azado, exit to the sea, go all the way down to Dalton, and head left, you'll see this new area.

And... a rock prevents us from going further. Lame.

Okay, so we can't really go anywhere new. Although, if you're curious, you can try to get back to Pentagulia. From here, go north, following the mountain. Just keep hugging the mountain and you'll find-

: There's no way we're gonna break this barrier without Dragon power.

Yeah, kinda figured. Still, nice to know where it is.

One last bit of business, mostly just to cover my ass. If we go back to Salyan desert (the area with Dalton and Larpa and all that) and go straight east from Dalton, past the Illusion Forest, we get to a little pathway.

There's an interesting little tower out here.

Oh my god ~~Zombies!~~

: I've been trying to figure out how to get inside, but I think it's impossible!

Nah, they just have a very unfortunate color palette.

: Do you think that's really true? The Blue Star looks so far away...
: ...

Hm. I wonder if this place is kinda like the Blue Spi-


Sadly, this is a tantalizing mystery that's just going to have to remain unsolved for now. Next time, our first Dragon Cave of the game!