The Let's Play Archive

Lure of the Temptress

by ProfessorClumsy

Part 3: The Blacksmith's Mother

Chapter 3: The Blacksmith's Mother

Last time, we left our heroes Diermot and Ratpouch to stand around idly in The Severed Arms where they completely failed to get drunk.

Diermot: A jug of your finest ale, if you please, landlord.

Being broke is no joke.

Anyway, we mustn't lose sight of our goal. The real reason we're here is to meet the Blacksmith. He was definitely here earlier and we missed him. We don't have to wait long, however...

He is a large man, with receding hair and huge muscles in his arms, his rough hands scarred and calloused. His face is stern, but his eyes are those of a gentle giant.

He doesn't look happy either. He storms over to Gereint the landlord and complains slightly in a very British way.

Gereint: Now what's wrong?

Stranger: I know good beer when I taste it, and there's definitely something added to your Old Trout.

Gereint: I swear on my mother's grave that I've not watered down my beer!

Gereint: Here, have a pint of bottle ale. It's on the house.

Let's pretend that we didn't just overhear that and that the jug of ale we downed earlier didn't have any suspicious "additives". We'd better catch this guy before he leaves.

Diermot: Greetings, Stranger. What is your name?

Diermot: I have heard of your plot against Selena!

I get it, eyes and ears everywhere.

Luthern makes a very swift exit, let's get after him.

We head out of The Severed Arms and aim due south. This brings us here, but no sign of Luthern.

SMITHY STREET. The road passes by a low roofed building. In front of the house a wall encloses a wild but attractive display of flowering plants.

Smithy Street, sounds hopeful. Let's head inside this house.

THE FORGE. Lit only by the vivid glow of the furnace, the corners of the room are lost in shadow. The heat is intense and suffocating.

How quaint! Looks like we found the forge, but where is Luthern? Only one thing to do, let's ask this sweet old lady (on the world's noisiest rocking chair).

The old lady seems to be part of her roughly made chair. Her grey hair is neatkly combed, but the front of her dress is stained with dribbles of food and drink.

Diermot: Greeting, Stranger. What is your name?

As we start to talk, Luthern enters. I sure hope this doesn't take too long.

Catriona: A story! Once upon a time there was a land far away. It was ruled by good king Kevin, whom everybody loved.

Diermot: Actually, I didn't come to hear...

Catriona: One day Kevin was walking in the woods when he came upon a house made of marzipan. 'Goodness me!' he cried, 'Who could live here?' So he knocked at the door.

Catriona: Ha! Ha! Ha! That one always frightens Luthern too! Alright dearie. I'll tell you a different one; a nice, gentle story.

Looks like we're gonna be here for a while so I hope you're sitting comfortably.

Diermot: I haven't got time to listen to...

Catriona: Well, her father the king was ill with a terrible cold, and Primrose said 'There's only one thing for it: I'll go on a quest to seek the Magic Rhododendron!'

Diermot: I think I've heard this one before...

Catriona: So far and wide the princess roamed, across the plains of Salisberry, to noble Glamis. There she sought the wizard Snuff, the keeper of the Tree of Life.

She finally shuts up! And I thought Gwyn talked a lot.

Now we can finally talk to Luthern and move on with our lives.

Diermot: I have recently escaped from the hands of the Skorl.

Luthern: Have you any news from Wulf?

You'll remember Wulf as the prisoner we helped in chapter one.

Diermot: Wulf told me the girl is in danger?

A new objective! We must find news of Goewin in town. Before we go though, there's something in the forge that we need.

It's not too bad of a pixel hunt. At least it's a different colour to the background.

There is one odd glitch though. When you boot up the game for the first time, make sure you hit restart before you do anything else.

Otherwise, the tinderbox doesn't appear and you can't win the game. It's probably the strangest bug I've ever encountered in a game, but hey, at least you guys know now if you choose to play along at home.

Let's ask some questions here before we start interrogating strangers. Starting with Catriona.

Diermot: What do you know of Goewin?

She's not much use, but I can't help feeling sorry for the old girl.

How about Luthern, he can't be completely clueless.

Diermot: Where was Goewin last seen?

Diermot: Don't blame yourself. I will find her!

And find her we must. Next time we head over to the Magpie for more drinking... and also to ask about Goewin.