The Let's Play Archive

Lure of the Temptress

by ProfessorClumsy

Part 15: Bonus Update 3

Bonus Update: How Many Women do We Know?

So, we needed a woman to open the Weregate for us. We went straight for Goewin last time because she was the obvious choice. But what about the other women in town?

We'll start with Edwina, because she's clearly trustworthy.

That's to be expected from the people of this town, I guess.

Incidentally, in the Amiga version, Edwina is called Eileain. Just letting you know for the sake of trivia.

Next up is Luthern's delightful mother, Catriona. The most forgettable character in the game.

Diermot: Will you help me to open the Weregate?

Next up is Ratty's best friend; Nellie, the landlady at The Magpie.

Diermot: Will you help me open the Weregate?

Gwyn you say?

Gwyn certainly has enough spare time on her hands, maybe she can open the gate for us?

Gwyn: You're not thinking of going in the caves are you, sir? Haven't you heard about he Turnvale tragedy? It was awful.

Diermot: I need to wake the dragon to help me get rid of Selena.

Gwyn: Well, why didn't you say so in the first place? It beats shopping any day! I'll meet you at the gate.

We have an ally in Gwyn! Let's go and meet her.

Diermot: You'll have to call their names.

Gwyn: What are they?

Diermot: Fengael and Hammawen.

Very dramatic, Gwyn. Well done.

Gwyn: Well I never!

So there you have it, it's not just Ratpouch who thinks Gwyn is a man.

I thought that was a nice little detail to show off, but couldn't find a place for it in the main playthrough.