The Let's Play Archive

Master of Orion

by Thotimx

Part 49: Episode V: 2322 - 2339

Well, that vote was anti-climactic. A clear consensus to keep expanding. As has been seen that is my tendency as well. The 'extra' production on Cryslon was shifted back into getting a head start on the next Colonizer, while a couple more Recons were sent out to the left, preparing to push further that way if possible.

Episode V: 2322 - 2339

In 2325 we officially claim the only rich system we know of.

Another system to be not excited about. We also scrap the two original Scouts, as Recons are now in place to take over for them. Tiny bit of overhead there.

We've found our first enemy system. 2327, and Recons have reached the final two in our range. This is the first one, but we are chased off by a single patrol ship.

Looks like somebody else has this as well. They could have come from any direction given the placement of the potential homeworlds. As it turns out, the Mrrshans have it(8M pop, no bases).

We are 'visited' by two other races shortly. The Humans sent a colony ship to Kakata, but we chased it off. This was a Psilon scout, with the same result. It won't be long until we need to fight some of this territory or lose it though. Drakka can start throwing some ships out there at some point, but I don't think it's ready yet(26M pop and holding there, 35 factories). Looks like the Psilons must have the upper-right section. It strikes me as particularly important that we hold the line at Dunatis to keep them at bay, and we can't reach it yet(4 parsecs).

Tyr is our next stepping stone, settled the next year. Updated readings show that Tao is within range of our Colonizers -- the next one will go there for sure, and the yellow star off to the left has an inbound Recon now. This is really good news for the expansion efforts.

A year later it's 2331, and the next colonists leave Cryslon for Tao by way of Tyr. Granid decides it's time to divert a small bit of our resources to grab our initial tech choices. Dunatis and Crius are increasingly on my mind. Very soon we need to either send combat ships there, or Colonizers. If we do not, the Psilons will take them eventually and we know what a big Egghead Empire means.

** Computers -- Battle Scanner. Mk II Computer was also available.
** Construction -- Industrial Tech 9. Only choice.
** Force Fields -- Class II Deflectors as always.
** Planetology -- +10M Terraforming. Always a Silicoid guarantee.
** Propulsion -- Hydrogen Fuel Cells(range 4). The only choice, but it's the one we really need.
** Weapons -- Hand Lasers. Cheap, though Hyper Vs are also available. Let's hope it doesn't take us a century and a half before we get another missile tech like last time.

We've got a clear priority here; Fuel Cells, then Terraforming.

It's not a boring game so far; seems like something important every year. Our Recon reaches that yellow star and runs into the shapeshifters. It's just a scout -- and we invite them to leave. Simius(Terran, 90 max)! That's exciting, but it also leaves us with a tough choice. Where do we send our next ship? Here, or research Fuel Cells and block off the Psilons? On one hand, we've got the best planet seen by far, a potential gateway to the left side of the galaxy. On the other hand, a vital maneuver restricting the most powerful potential enemy. Staying on the right would be quicker in travel time, but it'll take some investment.

A really tough choice here. Also of significant importance to me was the number of additional systems we could try to scout with that one extra parsec of range. It was time to do some research. Drakka was ready to put a small amount towards the effort, having maxed out factories for it's population while the three newer colonies are up to the basic one-third point in their pop. assignments. Simius would remain a high priority, but we can't make it the most important one right now. It's entirely possible that the Darloks or someone else beat us to it anyway, since it's a full decade away in travel time.

So the Race to Dunatis was our next big goal. Immediately this happened ...

Crap. On. A. Stick. If I had any doubts about the necessity of the play, I sure as heck don't now. We have five and are about to land our sixth when we get to Tao in a couple years, but that's already more systems than I want those brainiacs to have. With the next Colonizer nearly complete, Cryslon starts shifting resources into the research effort as well. I'm hoping they can't grow much bigger without running into us or the Mrrshan. The year after, we are up to max. investment(a whopping 213 BC at this point). Then ...

If only two years behind the Psilons wasn't like being two decades behind anyone else. The ship is finished in 2337, but the research isn't. Next year ... they came back to Dunatis. DAMN IT!!

Sigh. Take a deep breath. Open the combat screen ...

A measly lone colony ship. Mwuahahahahahaha! Go back to your own empire, losers!!! *Ahem*. Doesn't take a rocket surgeon though to figure out we are running out of time. Had a 56% shot at the fuel cell breakthrough ... missed. I swear, if we are one year late getting there, crystals are going to roll in the science directorate.

Another year. 2339, and we had enough funding to guarantee success. Eventually Nuclear Engines will be next. An overall delay of four years in colonizing operations, but the new settlers were dispatched to Dunatis. That's a 5-year journey, so we are far from being home free. Now what?