The Let's Play Archive

Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue

by Epee Em, giver336

Part 17: You know, it's goddamn surreal to have used ChibiSoma's old GameFAQs guides for these games as a kid and then seen him post here in these threads occasionally.

Warning, inconsistent image size ahead! Blame the scans!

Hey guys, giver336 here back with another one. This will be a double update of sorts. You see, what I'm about to post was originally going to go into the next update, but I thought that the eventual archival of this Let's Play would make it harder to skip it. I'm going to post some pictures of BradyGames' Battle Network 5 game guide. There are some goodies in it I feel like sharing and that I wish to see archived. So, for those of you who are new and want to avoid potential spoilers, please skip this post or move on (assuming you're reading this from the archive). Credit goes to MidniteW from Chrono X for the camera pics, really.

You can save these images and zoom in. Or just press Ctrl and '+' on your keyboard. (Ctrl and '-' to zoom back out)

A lot of people weren't big fans of BN5, what with the massive shift in gameplay that was the liberation missions. You had to know exactly what you were doing to get them cleared quickly enough to get the mission bonuses, and all battles could only last 3 turns. It was interesting, and could definitely be aggravating if you didn't know what you were doing but still were anal enough to want the best clear score each time you played a mission.

If you were just playing casual though, it was pretty fun! I really liked those games. Also, Team Proto has the best moment in the series (somebody gets punched in the fact who totally has it coming).

As you can see, his strategy guide is a little worse for wear. He tried to re-bind it at some point, but it just wouldn't take.

Makes it easier to scan?

And here is where you can see what the reward system breakdown is. Interestingly enough, PvP ranking depends on the HP difference, amount of healing and damage taken. This is how you would find out about movement, incidentally.

"Interestingly" enough that part about busting level being too low on the top meaning you'll probably get zenny isn't necessarily true in MMBN4. Which can lead to me ragequitting when I get up to that part where you have to give 2000z to enter one particular part of the net and there's only one tiny area you can grind in for money AND IT'S THE WORST GAME DESIGN DECISION EVER AND-

oops, sorry. I get mad about that game. I mean, MMBN3 is so good that whenever I finish it/see it finished it tricks me into wanting to play 4 and it's always a big mistake.

What you see here is the total time required to kill those pesky DS Navis in order to unlock the other Nebula Area 6 bosses.

It is interesting the way they always manage to use how good you are at battles to determine if you can fight the extra bosses. You'll recall that from say, MMBN2, where you had to S-rank all the navi ghosts to unlock Bass, etc.

This is pretty useful info, actually! We see here what the effects of certain bugs are. Most people don't experiment with bugs since no-one likes those. Granted, after Battle Network 3, bug effects became way less interesting.

I certainly didn't know any of this. Also, always good to see Higsby, huh.

Of course as soon as I say that, I spy a couple of errors on the Appley bio. First, you can't hit them with breaking in their shell -- only fire. Notably, they tell you the exact counter frame to look for, so this is very helpful for those of you trying to improve your countering strategies.

And I hate what I saw about the chip rewards there. You see, Battle Network 3 and above started giving out certain codes as version exclusives. It isn't in these pictures, but you get MrkCannon1 K from the respective virus in Team ProtoMan, as opposed to MrkCannon1 S in Team Colonel. Gee, I wonder who got the better deal. In Battle Network 3, you may be able to get the other version's codes through Chip Trader/Chip Order, but don't quote me on this because I still need to test that.

Considering how broken those things are, I'd be more surprised if they didn't.

Basically, our 3rd KeyPoint about the rewards system is that virus drops are exclusive to a particular version. The benefit is that the people playing these games now get a more personalized experience. After all, the different code drops forces you to think about different folder builds. The downside is that if you want to build for PvP, you're left with fewer building options.

There's some chip codes that are honestly just *better*. Because they have enough other options in that code that work really well together. Kind of a rough trade-off.

Check out WavePit Z on that page. It's a chip trader exclusive. This doesn't make sense to me because Z code in Battle Network 5 was pretty sword focused. But yes, many, many codes of chips are Chip Trader exclusive. Building folders is a pain because you'll probably end up grinding for 99 Guard1 A's or some shit and just chuck them all in trader and hope for the best.

I highly recommend cheating.

Bahahahaha, look at Cosmo Planet's description. A pretty good one as even I didn't know Guard's shockwave could knock him out of it.

Why would they say CosmoMan's a meanie? He's a cool guy.

Oh, look. It's everyone's favorite villian.

Yep, everyone's favourite villain, ShadeMan.exe

"Openly MegaMan's girlfriend."


Quick! Change the fanfics! Probably just an error, move along...

They didn't even specify that Lan and Hub are MAGIC TWINS (magic twins are factual ok), so I think the facts aren't quite all together there.

And that's it! Short and sweet, but yeah, I just wanted to show you guys this. Should be cool for the people that never had one. Oh, but one more thing:

Here is a recorded video of my friend doing the world record for least amount of turns for Nebula Area 5's liberation. That would be 4 turns. No save abuse was done here. You can hear me at about 0:15 seconds.

That's nuts. Your friends are nuts.

And now, onto more Battle Network 3.

Sorry about all the delays, guys! My work sent me away and I had very limited net access. Hopefully that won't happen again soon, but actually we ain't so good at planning so there's every chance it could happen again... So! Hopefully on to more Battle Network 3! FOREVER!