The Let's Play Archive

Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue

by Epee Em, giver336

Part 36: And this is what everyone else ever saw when they actually played the game.

FlamMan Fight

This isn't really a Challenge run so much as it's a means to show off most of the boss. I do say most, because I kinda destroy him before he can do much...

Anyway! When you fight FlamMan and any of his versions, there's two candles on his side of the field (watch the video, and you'll see them). The candles can have three different color flames - green, orange, and red. If there's at least one green flame, FlamMan gets invulnerability; one red flame grants recovery (and two makes it faster, I believe); and then there's the orange flame. Whenever the orange flame is lit, it summons obstacles on your side of the field in the form of two little flame dudes that circle the outside ring of your field. These are called Chaos Flames, and they're only dangerous in the sense that they restrict your movement. You can put out the candles with one attack (use your buster) or by using Wind/Fan chips (I think, don't quote me on that) but they'll come back soon.
FlamMan himself has only two (one, really) attacks. Called Fire Blaze, he'll come to the side of the field and breathe fire. The first form of the attack (used when his health is high) is just a straight line from where he's standing. The second form (when his health is low) is a little trickier. If he uses it when he's on the top or bottom rows, it'll spread out in a triangle pattern - one row, two rows, three rows. If he uses it on the middle row, then it spreads from one row to three rows immediately (your only safe spot is the top and bottom of the front column) - needless to say, with the Chaos Flames it can be difficult to avoid getting hit.

That is, though, everything to FlamMan - he doesn't have many attacks, and his Fire Blaze can't go over holes, so he's pretty easily countered. If anything, the red flame is the best flame, because then it's just a straight-up damage race, and he'll lose.

Bass - the REAL version

The fight with Bass I'm not going to talk about, because this is supposed to be unwinnable - even if you do 100 damage you're not dropping that Aura. I'll talk about Bass and his fight later.

However, I think we can all agree Giver's fight with Bass was fueled by dark sorcery and blood sacrifice, so this is what happens when you don't beat Bass.

Yeah, this is what you're supposed to see.

Bass charges up his EarthBreak attack. You know, the one that Giver killed him during.

Hey, it's that Official Navi that the camera saw earlier.

Whatever it is, apparently Bass was part of it/caused it/stopped it/whatever. Something bad happened in the past and Bass was there.

I don't remember, so I'm just going to claim that this Navi is Beardman's Navi. I mean, you NEVER see Official Navis in the Undernet, so this one has to be badass.

Not really seeing a contradiction with my theory, here.

Oh, I hate that move when fighting Riku in Hollow Bastion. Such bullshit.

He is actually correct! In game - spoilered for anyone who doesn't want to ruin the surprise - DarkAura and LifeAura are chips we can use. DarkAura repels anything under 300, and LifeAura under 200. Downside is, DarkAura requires a Hole to be on the field. Interestingly enough, Bass only has an Aura mechanically, while the game's text says it's a LifeAura.

And he gets this cool blue barrier around him. It's actually pretty close to what it's like in-game.

What if it was, oh, flooded or set on fire or haunted or something like that. Just crazy talk, but what if?

Bass slams the EarthBreak down on BeardNavi and the screen fades to white...

And in the true MMBN way, damage is show with sparks that flicker, so they show up in maybe two of a dozen screenshots.

EarthBreak shouldn't be able to do that. Just saying.

This has the same dialogue as Giver's version - Wily calls, Bass swears vengeance, yadda yadda yadda. Only difference is that Lan won't know that Wily's behind all this yet and there's a few dialogue choices ("Operator" vs "Navi slave", for one.)

Picking up right after that...

That one EarthBreak attack was enough to knock out the DarkAura. Bulllllshittttt.

This is the second time we've heard of Alpha. First time was the Alpha Rebellion, and now this... too bad this thing's all in the category of 'Dramatic Irony' and Lan will find out all about it later.

BeardNavi jacks out. Thanks, guy, you saved our ass.

And that answers why Lan didn't do anything (or jack Megaman out). He couldn't actually jack Megaman out without the connection, so Megaman was going to die. And Lan wouldn't know or be able to do anything about it.

That's dark as HELL, game. Wow.

Hail to the Beard! Anyway, the rest of the cutscene is the same from here so... Go read Giver's update again and you'll have it.

In other news, Giver is a witch and a madman and he shouldn't have been able to do that. yes I know witch is the female version shut up shut up shut up