The Let's Play Archive

Mega Man Battle Network 3: Blue

by Epee Em, giver336

Part 81: Robert Williams Come Back...

Overview: The fan who came up with MistMan should be complimented with a great design idea. I'll also compliment Capcom on a interesting fight. MistMan himself can't actually die; only his lamp can. Head-on attacks like LavaCannon are absolutely atrocious for this reason. Rely on piercing/indirect attacks to hit the lamp. The lamp operates by hopping around the field to fire MistMan at you when it detects you in the same row. Keep in mind that the lamp will NOT hop to the same row consecutively.

After 6 hops, he will activate PoisMist or SoulGang depending on his HP. If he activates PoisMist, then 5 clouds of poison spawn on your field and MistMan will come out of them, attempting to deal a 1-square punch to your character. You will most likely eat some poison damage here, but that's no big deal. If you can put down an obstacle in between a poison cloud and yourself, you'll never get hit by the attack.

SoulGang only comes out when he's at 20% HP or less. This attack is your only real concern. The shadow minions will follow you and try to hold you down, while the lamp fires MistMans to attack you, racking up tons of combo damage. You can eliminate the shadow minions with a sword, but if you let this attack come out at all, then your chances at an S-rank decrease dramatically. Safe to say that your primary goal should be nuking his HP down fast enough so that he doesn't get this off.

Top Tier

: I swear this isn't favoritism. DrillMan makes holes, which in MistMan's case, locks him down because he doesn't hop to the same row twice. DrillMan also pierces the MistMan summon, so.

: You wouldn't think this works because the Fishy virus breaks shields, but this most certainly deals heavy damage to MistMan. MistMan only attacks straight in the first phase of his pattern, so use this to punish that.

: Cuts through MistMan, hits the lamp and deals damage that doesn't activate mercy frames. You'll see this in the video. Yes and yes.

: Great damage and hurts the lamp through MistMan.

: Same deal as Totem. Only BigWave can do MASSIVE damage and create broken panels, locking down MistMan even more.

Average-High Tier

: Can be used to directly attack through MistMan, or indirectly to get a lot of pins off.

: Same deal as BowlMan really.

: Attacks indirectly, which is what you want given MistMan's body defending the lamp.

: Attacks horizontally, which works better for MistMan.

: Attacks indirectly. You'll need this for locking down the lamp if you don't have another option open.

: Can be used to eliminate the SoulGang threat, but you should not be letting that attack come out anyway.

Suck Tier

: Because of MistMan blocking the lamp, this attack could very well be stopped completely unless you time it right.

: Same deal as ProtoMan, even if you use the Program Advance.

: Okay, so these things can hit behind MistMan. But they are too weak, and you're putting yourself in harm's way.

: Can pierce MistMan, but again, too slow and you're putting yourself in harm's way since MistMan attacks straight.

: Same as CrsShield, yes. But it's too weak!

: More often than not, I've seen MistMan himself trip the mine and not the lamp.

Tumblerina Tier

: Since MistMan blocks frontal assaults, that pretty much stops this chip from doing anything.

: Low chance of hitting because of MistMan blocking your hits.


: You should already know why.


Too bad the N1 Grand Prix Battle Theme doesn't play.

Used for the V2 chip. Just a small demonstration showing what BattleChips are effective. Magnum2 N are Blue Version exclusive, admittedly. However, Magnum2 comes in G in White Versions which makes precisely no difference with this folder.

Used for the MistMan V3 and V4 chip. Building upon the lessons we learned from the last folder, I put in the strongest variants of all the most effective chips, and threw in a few high level DrillMan chips. Sensor3 is just an overpowered chip and complete bullshit, I agree. A lot of people don't know it's power for some reason, so I threw that in. I only kept the RockArm3 chips because I'm good at predicting the boss and timing the use of my chips.

Why is using HeroSword so much fun? I don't know why.