Part 1: Mission 1: The White House

Mission 1: The White House

Michael Wilson
The 47th President of the United States, and our protagonist. His father was also the president, so you can tell which real life president was in office back when this game was made. Other achievements of his include being a war hero during the Arizona insurrection alongside Richard Hawk, as well being the founder of G.U.I.D.E. during the Tokyo Parasite Infestation in the 2009 From Software title Ninja Blade (and he is just as badass in that even without Metal Wolf). Having fled the White House, he is now preparing his campaign of destruction and freedom to take back his country from the coup détat forces.

Jody Crawford
Secretary to President Michael Wilson, Jody can be described many things. Excitable, nutty, utter sociopath, and most of all a huge chatterbox. She fills the role of a CO that you would normally find in other mission based mecha games, and as such gives you information on where to go next and what targets to destroy when out in the field. While she serves to give advice to the player, much of what she says can just ramble off into weird tangents and bullshit that is otherwise pretty hilarious to listen to.

Richard Hawk
Our antagonist for the game, Richard Hawk was the Vice President and like Michael Wilson also a war hero from the days of the Arizona Insurrection. One can assume this was what prompted Michael to choose Richard as a running mate since they shared something in common, though now Im sure the president thoroughly regrets ever making the decision. We dont get to hear much from him during the first third of the game, but as we get closer to the end, youll be loving every second of Richard Hawks presence. I assure you.

All new weapons demonstrated in the LP will have their stats and descriptions listed here. Note that in the game all descriptions are in Japanese, so these come from the English translation patch. It's got some weird formatting and grammatical errors so I touched them up as best I could and will show them here rather than in game.

S&W .44 Magnum
Developed in 1955 by S&W, this
pistol was made famous by Dirty
Harry. This weapon has low
firepower but boasts a wide range
of fire.

Signature Remington model
adapted for Mobile Armor. With a
wide spread and reliable damage,
this gun is truly an American Hero
made in the USA.
Assault Rifle

Developed by SOCOM and Colt, this
weapon has been adapted for
Mobile Armor use and improved
thusly. Easy to handle with great

A Mobile Armor version of the
basic US Infantry anti-tank
launcher. Great range but slow to
fire with a long reload time.
Sniper Rifle

Developed by the US Army in 1987
with Remington, can zoom up to
32x magnification. Very precise
with high attack power.

Every new enemy that is encountered during a mission will be placed here along with their specific category. Unfortunately, the translation patch does not translate the in game descriptions for them, so you'll have to make do with my own short descriptions on these units that comprise United States Military.

Soldier Gun
Basic infantry with an assault rifle. Only really a threat if you choose to stand still and not do anything. Like all other regular infantry, they will go down from just about any weapon instantly.

Soldier Missile
Basic infantry with a missile launcher, although theyre more like bazookas since their missiles dont track Metal Wolf. And like all rockets and missiles, theirs are easily shot down.
Ground Vehicles

M939 Cargo Truck
A transport vehicle for infantry troops, it only holds so many at a time. Can be found as just an environmental obstacle as well, however destroying those will not contribute towards a chain or Rush combo. Also destroying the truck when troops have not been deployed will only count as 1 kill in a chain as the soldiers need to be outside and in the vicinity for the explosion to affect them.
Air Vehicles

UH60A Blackhawk
The Blackhawk helicopter, or at least one of the different types of Blackhawks in the game. These ones as shown at the White House dont really do much and just exist as sitting ducks. Though with the starting weapons that you have, they hover just out of range for the likes of shotguns, pistols, and assault rifles. Heavy and/or long range weapons are always preferable for destroying these at the start, especially if you want Cool and Nice points.

After every mission, there is a summary of the events that took place by a DNN reporter named Peter MacDonald. When put together, they are read as a recollection of the games events, written after the fact. Well get to meet Mr. MacDonald soon enough, but for now, we only have these written accounts to go on. However, much like the enemy descriptions the English translation patch doesnt translate these either (well, partially translated anyway, but not enough that its worth showing anyway), so Ill provide them myself. Enjoy some nice, soothing guitar while you read these, too.