The Let's Play Archive


by Leavemywife & Explosionface

Part 24: Love is the Power, Love is the Glory

Update 24: Love is the Power, Love is the Glory

So we're here in Magicant to take care of some very important business with Queen Mary since we now have all eight of her melodies.

I would be a fantastic failure if I didn't play the song on the ocarina for you guys. Something I like is that they only had to use one sound channel on the NES/famicom for this rendition. It plays to the simplicity of the song and the instrument pretty well.

Before going in the castle, I highly recommend saving. You'll see why shortly.

With that out of the way, let's see what Queen Mary has to say.

She knows he's learned the whole song, so she asks Mark to sing it for her.

Yeah, it's the same thing we just heard, but I'm throwing it here because I love this song.

After hearing it, Queen Mary's memory returns and she starts singing for us. You actually can't advance the text box for most of her iteration, but that's okay. It's just too lovely to want to rush through anyways.

Naturally, I'd be a horrible person for not bringing up the vocal version. Now for the actual important part. If you guys don't mind, I'm going to just let Queen Mary handle this without my meaningless words.

And with that...

She vanishes.

So, what just happened? Queen Mary was actually Maria, Mark's great-grandmother. She and George once took in a...something...named Giygas. They loved and cared for Giygas, but then everything went wrong. We'll get more on this later, but George and Maria ended up separated, as previously indicated as early as the intro text. We already saw what remained of George and now Maria, regaining her memory, realizes it's her time to join him. She had created the entire land of Magicant with her consciousness, so without her, it fades away into nothing.

Enough of my rambling. So where do we end up?

George's tombstone. You don't have to talk to it. I just did because it's a free heal.

And boy am I a sucker for free heals. Anyways, I made a big deal out of the Memory Chip and where EVE's body ends up, but as long as you don't have to leave for anything (like saving), you don't really have to worry about it.

The path to our destiny lies in front of us, with no obstacles left. Next time: we save the world.