The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 21: Ep. 15: Pizza Science 101, or Holy Crap, Is That Plot?

McDragon posted:

I'm guessing the broken clock in the apartment is the next stop.

Good guess!


: Last time on MySims Agents: The mayor done it! Maybe. He's a slippery fish with a really big beard!


It's up to us to prove or disprove Skip's alibi. If everything checks out, then he couldn't have been the man in the park, in receivership of stolen goods. But if we can break his alibi down--let's go outside and ask Evelyn about the time of the break-in.

: What time did this Morcucorp agent break in?

: I'm not sure when it happened, exactly. I was too frazzled to check the time on my clock.

: Thanks, Evelyn.

Of course, if we think back, we already know how to find out when the burglars were there. So let's go do that.

We run back to Evelyn's place to take a closer look at that broken grandfather clock.

: Now to find out when Skip was at Gino's.

We zip back to the pizzeria and collar Gino in front of the pizza oven.

: Do you know exactly when Skip came in here yesterday?

: I'm sorry, Sam... it was very busy in here yesterday! I don't remember when he came in.

: Do you remember any details about Skip's visit?

: Leftovers? That's perfect, Gino! Thanks!

: I should check Skip's office for evidence of leftovers.

We're just heading out the door when BREEP BREEP

Woo hoo! Travis rocks. I suppose we could go talk to Jenny right now, but we're hot on the trail! Let's head back to city hall.

Remember this? So did Sam. Sam whips out his phone and calls Roxie back at HQ.

: Roxie, can you analyze this pizza slice? I want to know how old it is.

Man, CSI can do anything.

No starting atom this time, and we've got a red four-connection atom to use.

: It looks like that slice was freshly baked yesterday at lunchtime.

Gloating internally, Sam hangs up.

: Skip ate at Gino's for lunch, but the break-in happened at dinnertime. Skip's alibi doesn't hold up.

Let's beat his face in with our crowbar!

: I need to report my findings to Evelyn.

Better: let's sic Evelyn on him! We go out to fetch her.

: I've got the proof that it was Skip at the meeting.

: I remember thinking, '... I am the Man, Evelyn.'

We round up Buddy to complete our posse and head in to beard the mayor in his den.

Skip spins around, startled.

: What?! You better have proof, making accusations like that!

so tired of this shit

: You were at Gino's yesterday, but it was for lunch! Our forensic scientists tracked the development of mold colonies on your leftover pizza.

Skip staggers.

: Yes. It pegs the pizza's cooking time to 12:30 PM.

: Lunchtime.

: Plus or minus two minutes.

Skip gasps and begins to look panicky.

: And they know you received my father's journal because they found your inhaler at the drop-off site!

: Ah, I see...

: Look, I didn't ask how they were getting the book. I was just supposed to hold it for a while.

Evelyn makes demanding 'gimme' motions until Skip caves and returns the journal to her.

: Why did Morcubus' goons steal the journal? What's he after?

: I can tell you, but I don't want this going public. Tell nobody about this incident!

: No way! We don't make deals with villains!

: It's okay, Buddy. Morcubus is the one behind this. We have bigger fish to fry than Skip Rogers.

After a moment, Skip gets over his hurt feelings.

: Look, here's what I know... yes, Morcubus wanted that journal. He needed as much information as possible on the whereabouts of a man who used to work with Evelyn's father.

: What! Who is he? What does he know about my dad?!

: The maps, pal!

: This P.W. could be in danger.

: We've got to get to him before Morcubus!

: Evelyn, Buddy... let's go.


: Next time on MySims Agents: It's a good thing I don't get airsick, pal!