The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 22: Ep. 16: The Jet Set


: Last time on MySims Agents: Did you ever get the feeling that maybe you just couldn't trust the government any more?


We still don't know exactly who broke into Evelyn's apartment, but we got her stuff back and punished someone for it and that's close enough for government work. Let's mop things up in town real quick before we head back to HQ!

: Hey Buddy!

: Hiya, pal! Evelyn is meeting us at headquarters.

: OK Buddy, we'll head there soon.

And, just to make sure...

: I'll be watching you, Skip.

: ... Skip!

Skip... Skip never changes. Fortunately we're not that kind of law-breaking asshole. We head for the train station.

: Anything in the news, Luis?

And on that note, we go back to HQ. Yuki is still outside. Not spying.

: Um, can I help you?

Still referring to herself in the third person. Still obsessed with biting faces. That's our Yuki! *laugh track*

We head on inside. I'm as eager to fire up the jet as anyone, but we've got some business to take care of first. Let's talk to Jenny at her desk.

: I need a mission debriefing. What was the result?

And that's dispatch missions, folks! We only get the one junior agent for freebz, though. The rest we have to earn, either by completing plot segments, completing other dispatch missions, or finding people who are hiding from us. Like, in holes. What the hell, Leaf.

As we get more agents, we can build more and better teams with them, firing and re-hiring however we see fit. We can assign up to three agents to each of the four empty floors of our HQ, creating up to four specialized agent teams, and then send those teams off to perform completely weird tasks at the behest of anybody who asks. It is possible--even likely--that we will fail to complete a dispatch mission on the first attempt. Even the most suitable team can fail. If we blow it, we get to try again; we lose nothing but ten or fifteen minutes of our time. (Well, my time.) There are a large number of dispatch missions in this game, and we will do them all, some of them two or three times.

As you might imagine, having four teams constantly frantically texting us is hectic as hell. In this LP I'll be running only one or two dispatch missions at a time, to avoid a total text-message clusterfuck.

Our reward for completing our first dispatch mission is... more dispatch missions. We also got some new dispatch missions from completing Evelyn's chapter. We are swimming in dispatch missions. Anyway, let's make sure everything is okay here at HQ before we take off.

: What's new, Roxie?

: Everything, Sam! But that's not important right now. You've got mountains to explore!

: Don't worry, Roxie, I'm on the case!

: Excellent, Sam! Did you wash your hands before you came inside?

: Um, was I supposed to? I didn't see a bathroom.

: I told Agent Walker we needed a carbonic de-oxidizer nano wash system outside for all visitors to the HQ!

Sam looks properly chastised and excuses himself to run downstairs and check in with Travis, our successful junior agent.

: Hey, Travis.

: So, Mayor Skip is allergic to flowers? I'm glad I'm not allergic to cellphones.

Right. Back upstairs, we nearly bowl Buddy over.

: Hey Buddy!

: Hiya, pal! Let's get to the mountains! I don't know who P.W. is, but I don't want anything bad to happen to them.

Gosh, you'd think we were supposed to go to the mountains. That sounds chilly. We should dress warmly.

Warm, but still cool. As you can see we've also unlocked some stylin' new shades as a reward for helping Evelyn:

Anyway, jet jet jet--oh, hell, wait, I guess I should handle some dispatch missions before we go. As you may recall, we, uh, dug up a rock-and-roll elf from somewhere:

Sam sticks Leaf on Travis' team for now. Leaf has three green leaves in 'nature' and two pink magnets in 'charisma', as you may recall, so he's not too bad a match for charisma-heavy Travis in any case. Also, as a reward for completing Evelyn's chapter, we get access to... well, to Roger.


As you can see, Roger is the first of our uber-Sims: a MySim who is so obsessed with one single thing that all five of his interest points are the same. We'll eventually get an uber-Sim for each interest type, but it'll be a while.

Roger is put in the last position on Travis' team, even though it's not the best match. Now that we've recruited everyone we can, let's put them to work! We go to talk to Jenny, and...

Missions! Let's look at Gino's mission.

: ... one problem... they're only found at 10,000 feet!

Sports and nature--let's give it a shot. Travis can, uh, coordinate.

Sweet. We send our junior agents off to milk goats and ourselves... off to the jet! At last!

WOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooooo what of course we don't need to be taught how to fly this thing, it's just a jump jet.

: Hey, I should draw us flying in a super-cool jet!

He begins to do just that as Sam flies up into the mountains, miraculously not crashing the plane, and shortly thereafter we land in front of... a ski lodge!

Sam, Buddy, and Evelyn all meet up at the entrance path. Evelyn is shivering, because apparently only Sam thought to dress appropriately.

: Wow, it's cold up here!

: Well, hopefully this won't take very long, Buddy.

A high-pitched yell from behind us makes us all turn around.

Preston, eh? ... P.W.! Are we already too late? We all run for the chalet. The girl who called is standing on the patio with a pair of very professional-looking people.

: Yeah, I meant on his phone. Have you tried that yet?

: Oh. No, I haven't. I always just leave my phone with Preston.


: Okay, maybe you should just leave this to us. We're professionals.

: Except that yes, we can, because that's completely illogical.

: Life's illogical! I'm filing this case under "Y" for yeti!

: I know! She claims she's actually seen the yeti using her hot tub on cold mountain nights...

: For once, let's try to solve this case using facts instead of ghost stories, okay? We're doing this one by the book, Agent Vic.

Vic is saddened by this directive.

: Alright, Agent Rosalyn.

The camera pulls back to reveal that we've been eavesdropping from the porch steps.

: Right. Starts with "P." This might be worth investigating, Buddy.

So let's do that.

Sam walks over to join the group.

: I've never met a real special agent before! Hey, maybe you could help!

: Yes, well, miss Beebee here called us to find Preston Winthrop, so we'll just leave it as a government matter for now.

Although the 'government' thing makes it a little unclear--what, is Sam some kind of private-sector agent?--Rosalyn and Vic here are also S.P.A. agents. It's just that they're rank-and-file agents (like Travis) whereas Sam is an elite special agent and thus guaranteed to get right up Rosalyn's nose.

In other news, 'Preston Winthrop'. Crap, we were too late.

: Agent Vector, let's speak to the owner of the lodge again.

: The old lady? I like her. She's nutty!

: Vic!

: What? Look it up! It's true.

Mully and Sculder head inside the lodge. Beebee turns to us.

: Don't worry, Beebee. I'm sure Preston is fine. We'll do everything we can to find him.

: Then you have to find the yeti! Those agents won't even try as long as Rosalyn is in charge.

: I just know that bearded guy is right. The yeti has my poor Prezzy-Wezzy!!

Beebee starts crying again.

: If there's a yeti on this mountain, we'll track him down. It's important for us to find Preston, too.

Well, that's not creepy at all.

: I'll run back to the jet and grab some big, plastic bags.

: Let's not cross that bridge just yet, Buddy. Beebee, where did you last see Preston?

Sam turns back to his woefully-underdressed team.

: Every second counts, now. Let's get over there and see if we can pick up the yeti's trail...


: Next time on MySims Agents: A real live yeti attacked someone and dragged him off? I wonder if we'll see remains!


Video: Jump Jet

The jet's takeoff, now in full fancy video with sound and everything, ooooooh.