The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 25: Ep. 18: My, What Big Feet You Have


: Last time on MySims Agents: The hunt for Preston Winthrop was... still on!


When last we left off we were--

--texting Gino, apparently. We tell him to give the goats tasty treats, because who doesn't like tasty treats? Having done that, we go back to the ranger station in the east, pull out our magnifying glass, and...

... uh, wow. Those are some big feet. Let's find out where they go.

We follow the trail to the gate and back into the main area.


After some wandering around, we pick up the trail again! It's heading towards the ski lift.

We don't know where this so-called yeti is, but we sure have a piece of evidence that he's there! Wherever 'there' is!

: The prints lead to the ski lift gates. I should check them out.

But first, we are successful in getting goats to eat something.

: With the lift down, I'll need to find another way up the mountain. Did I see another gate somewhere?

Why, yes, yes, we did. There's a gate over by the ranger station.

But it's locked.

: Hey Rosalyn! Do you have the key to this gate?

: We're just trying to help with the investigation!

: If you can show me some sort of official documentation, then maybe I would consider letting you borrow it.

: Official documentation...? Fine, I'll be back with the proper documents.

: Where can I get a warrant around the lodge?

Well, we saw that big satellite dish on the roof...

... so we'll use the lodge's public computer and internet connection to connect to HQ and get our warrant!

Or... not.

: I can supercharge the signal, but first I'll need some spare parts.

That's right, it's time to wreck some shit again! We wield our trusty wreckin' wrench and head towards the snow-cone machine, an unhealthy gleam in our eye, and RING-A-DING-DING

... thanks for that. Anyway.

We salvage... inexplicable doodads from the snow-cone machine and the cash register.

Seriously, what is that?

Another one of those weird doodads from the soda machine by the ski lift.

And finally, one from the generator and one from the snowblower out by the ranger station.

: I need to climb to the top of the lodge to soup up the satellite dish.

We jump along the handy-dandy path again--note that we could also have harvested the 'Twisted Metal' vehicle for a part, if we'd wanted to--and go back to the roof.

Let's do this.

Wow, gear-driven satellite-internet dishes are more complicated than gear-driven pizza ovens. Who knew? Also, we have both gears and rainbow-striped electric wires to conjure with here, all connected to a solar panel for power. We need to get two gears turning and one wire hooked up to the others.


: The computer should be working better now. Time to get a warrant!

We jump off the roof, land on our ass on the front porch, and go inside to use the computer.

: Will Rosalyn accept this Agency warrant?

Let's find out! We run back to the locked gate.

: OK, Rosalyn. Here's your document. Can I have the key now?

: Hm... well, this looks official enough. According to the Agency guidelines on verbal agreements, I need to give you this key.

: Thanks, Rosalyn. I hope to work with you again in the future.

: Likewise. In the distant future.

We unlock the gate, and Sam and the agents head off into the unknown.


: Next time on MySims Agents: Sam makes a new friend as he climbs to the mountain's summit! Oh, and there's maybe a yeti or something?