The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 60: Dispatch Mission: I Drilled Too Deep

Sam assembles the team! Vic and Leaf immediately strike up an animated conversation. There may be air guitar involved. This bodes well! Sam wishes the team luck and then heads downstairs to dispatch them.

This also bodes well. They head out, and Sam heads upstairs on a little mission of his own.

hum de doo stealin' some stuff

: You have to understand that I was frustrated.

stealin' a fridge

: We'd come so close to successfully intervening in Morcubus' evil plans and then... we were too late.

stealin' a stove

: Too slow.

Are you dissing Wolfah?! <>

emptyin' the basement

: Anyway, I needed a distraction, and I had an idea.

painty painty

: Performance art.

Everything's fine, Patrick!

furnish furnish

: Ever since Paul sent us all this ham-flavored wall paint, I'd been dying to find out how Renee would react to it.

gettin' properly dressed

: My vision: 'Hog Hell'. Unfortunately, I needed Renee to scream and act afraid of me, and Renee seemed disinclined to play along.

: Eventually she got the bacon from the fridge and cooked some for herself. I question the mental disconnect necessary to do such a thing.

The fire beast was asleep when Patrick woke it up, right? So it must be vulnerable to sleep! Sam shares this logic with Vic.

Then gives up on his art and just dances with Renee for a while.

: I felt a little better anyway. Even if I hadn't succeeded in creating art, I'd definitely created a distraction.

... wait, when did you become a wizard?

Actually, that's great, because it means our party consists of a fierce wolfling warrior, an elven archer, and a mage!

Renee just won't play along, so Sam starts restoring the basement to its gloomy spooky self.

Go Wolfah! Fight the beast!

Uh... huh. Well, I'm sure they'll be fine and don't need you to go rescue them. We here at the SPA are professionals!

There. Not only has the basement been restored to its goony neckbeard-haven state, the layout has been improved upon. Sam goes back upstairs and changes into his everyday workwear.


No, no, must have faith in Wolfah. Wolfah won't let us down--


Sam goes to check in with Jenny, now that the lightly-smoking team has returned.

: I need a mission debriefing. What was the result?

: The team defeated a fire beast? I'm impressed. Patrick sends his thanks, along with these rewards, and a promise not to drill too deep again.

Patrick sent us some work clothes!

Finally, a hardhat of our very own!