The Let's Play Archive

MySims Agents

by Picayune

Part 89: Ep. 62: The Cruel Ladies Of Fate


: Last time on MySims Agents: After questioning Madame Zoe sharply and at some length, Special Agent Sam has gathered everyone in the main hall! His goal? To expose the truth at last!


Gathering. Duh.

Sam turns to Zoe.

: Exactly the way you wanted it to look, Madame Zoe...

Dun dun dunnn!

: What?! That's ridiculous! You can't prove it!!

: I can and will.

Sam steps out into the center of the group.

: It was the perfect place to whisper hypnotic suggestions down to Carl while he slept.

Carl looks both thrilled and relieved at this news.

: So I was just sleepwalking! But...

The guilt crashes back in on him.

: ... I still destroyed Cyrus' crystal!

: We found a secret passage in the mansion that was hiding a trunk. It was full of fake crystals.

: Yup! The real fortunite crystal is perfectly safe.

: Hmph. Very clever, Sam. Here's the real crystal.

Sam holds out his hand. Zoe huffs and refuses to give him the crystal for a moment...

... but shortly relents.

: Incredible! But how did you come to suspect Madame Zoe?

: I knew something didn't feel right as soon as Buddy and I arrived.

Sam nods to Buddy.

: Exactly, Buddy.

He turns to address the rest of the group.

: She wanted everyone gone so she could keep the crystal and the mansion to herself.

zoe is so mad, you guys

But in the end she gives up and hands the will over to Buddy.


: Woe!! The cruel ladies of fate have left poor Trevor empty-handed yet again!

Zoe stomps over.

: There must be more fortunite out there somewhere...

Zoe shakes her fist at Violet.

: And I'm going to find it!

Zoe bolts out the front door.

: Hey!!

Sam and Buddy give desultory chase, but...

: It's okay, Buddy. I don't think we'll see her again.

Violet turns to Sam.

: Sam, thank you so much for all you've done. May I walk you out to your jet?

Carl lurches over to escort Sam and Buddy out. Violet stays behind for a moment.

And she follows Sam's group out the door, leaving the others behind.



: Next time on MySims Agents: Only one bayou mystery remains to be solved: why did Cyrus choose to leave everything to Violet? Was it because Madame Zoe is kind of creepy?