The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 1: The Assistant Pig-Boy

The adorable opening movie, Polsy-fied to protect against spoilers!
Oh, hey, that music sounds familiar. Anyway, if you watched that--and you probably should--you've now seen a highlight reel of the whole game and should have a pretty good idea of how things are going to go. I... guess that means you can stop reading now?

Let's get started.

: This kingdom was made up of many different lands...

Some of them more different than others.

: They used their power to protect the kingdom and keep the Sims of the world happy.

I'm not sure how one 'moves away' when Roland's kingdom covers the entire world, but I guess we can't use the word 'died' around impressionable eight-year-olds.

: Who will it be? Where will they come from? And what will they look like?

A good set of questions, which promptly dumps us into Create-A-Sim! After Our Hero has been created:

Can't imagine. Anyway, it's time for our opening pan across Capital Island!

Hey, this is a pretty nice kingdom. Very green. Nice rocks.

The camera pans over to the castle, oooh, which appears to be inhabited by a serene pink-haired princess--

--oooor not.

As the frustrated princess stomps out of the castle, the camera rolls on, coming to rest on... the King's Royal Messenger, gods help us all.

He and his messenger pigeon appear to have similar tastes in red caps.

The Royal Messenger reads the scroll and cheers happily as the camera rolls on once more.

We come at last to a humble pig-herder's hut, and the humble pig-herder herself--with what are presumably a couple of humble pigs--

--and her extremely humble assistant, Sam, the Assistant Pig-Boy.

It should go without saying that his life is hell.


Next time on MySims Kingdom: He's a humble pig-boy--of course he has a Great Destiny!


- Capital Island
Wanna see that pan in full motion? Here you go!