The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 3: A Pig-Boy's Tasks Are Never Done

Having just tripped, fallen, and thrown his pile of royal invitations to the winds, Buddy picks himself back up and dusts himself off.

He then develops a severe case of Not-Actually-Plumbbob. A quest! Well, okay, a 'task'.

The little book in the upper right corner is our task book, which contains all kind of debatably-useful information. It will alert us to new tasks and completed tasks (as you can see). The blue shield next to it has no use just yet.

Anyway, let's talk to Buddy.

: Can you run around and find them all?

By popping open our task book, we can see the gory details of our current chivalric quest. There are eight invitations to find, and we have found zero. The bar on the bottom tells us how far along on a task we are: someone has a job for us; we have talked to them, accepted the job, and presumably started working on it; we have completed the job but not yet turned it in; we have spoken to the person, gotten our reward, and finished the job.

So, anyway, we run over here, and...


Right, then. Let's ask Elmira if she's seen any invitations flying around.

I'll just take that as a 'no'.

Getting near the pigs kills them. Uh, I mean, it opens up some actions that Sam can perform. He can pet the pigs, which we've already seen.

Or he can choose to feed them!

Sam feeds the pig and it drops... some... organic matter... which just jumps right into Sam's inventory agh agh ew. The organic thing makes a magical 'plink' sound as it bounces into Sam's pocket. What did he feed that poor critter?

Eh, well, surely that'll never be important. We also nab the invitation which was sitting right there. Maybe Buddy's found a couple?

or maybe he's just been standing here and freaking out and we have to solve all his problems for him because we are the only competent person in the entire world and also we are not bitter at all

Ergh, fine. Yoink. Sam follows the trail of invitations to the castle, and...

Oh dear.


Anyway, Princess Butter does eventually step off the invitation. Sam grabs it and goes to find the others, getting and acing a jumping tutorial along the way.

Finally we find the last invitation by the river! The day is saved, Buddy wishes to thank us, etc.

: You really saved me, Sam. That's why you're my best pal!

Just then!

Lyndsay runs over to join us.

: I made up today's adventure itinerary and everything. We were going to explore a hidden tomb!

: But Lyndsay, we don't know where any hidden tombs are.

: Well, yeah, Buddy, that's what makes them hidden.

that's right, live vicariously through me, everyone else does, that's why I'm the protagonist of a videogame

: How'd you hear? I just gave Sam his invitation.

Lyndsay scowls and faces Sam.

: I ran into that spoiled Princess Butter. Don't worry, Sam, we'll show her.

Lyndsay looks back at Buddy.

: When does the contest begin, Buddy?

: Well, let's see, I think it was...

Buddy thinks for a minute, then jumps.

: Right now, pal! We gotta get to the castle!

: Yikes! Buddy!!


Next time on MySims Kingdom: We hurry to the castle! For a certain definition of 'hurry'!