The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 10: Up, Up, And Not Away

Okay! Now we can build stairs!

Lots of stairs.

We could even build super-wide stairs if we wanted to, but meh, that's like effort.

: Man, who would have thought getting to the harbor would have been so much work! Now I'm doubly glad you won the wand, Sam!

So, okay. Barney lives at the harbor. He obviously arrived at the castle just fine earlier in the day, which means that all these stairs and bridges and stuff went broken and missing after Barney got there. The only explanation I can think of is that Marlon must have poofed out and broken everything just to make sure that the new Wandolier would have ample opportunity to try out those new powers.


: Fantastic! It sure is great having a friend who's a Wandolier!

We head up the stairs and come to this gate and water wheel.

: Something's wrong with the gate to the harbor, pal. I think it's closed!

: The switch that opens the gate isn't powered. It looks like we'll need to replace the gears here to make the gate open.

The camera zooms up dramatically.

Princess Butter beams evilly.

: I hid it in a secret place where only I can find it!

: Oh. Well, why don't we just ask her nicely? It worked with Elmira.

: Be nice to Butter? Are you serious?! That will never work!

: Trust me, Sam! Just try to Socialize with Princess Butter.

Right, right. Fortunately the princess has come down off her perch. Sam tries just talking to her, but...

... well... well FINE

We're really just working our way through a flowchart here. If we mess up, the conversation just loops back to an earlier exchange and we get to try again.

Anyway, Sam decides to tell the princess the one about the swineherd who only had two pigs.

And she thinks it's funny!

Ooh. Um. Well, she's in a playful mood, and Sam just happens to have these puppets laying around...

I think she liked it.

She did! The comedy option is working well for us, so let's juggle.


However, this just puts her back in a playful mood. The game kindly notes that we've put on a puppet show for her before and it made her Delighted; this seems like the right direction, so Sam does that again and then goes in for the hug.

still cute

And we win again!

I... but... you wanted to hang out with the lowly pig-boy all along? Really? how is Buddy always right

: Okay, I hid the Gear Scroll in a chest near my mushroom garden.

You're right, Butter. I would never have found that in a million years. Anyway, we've won over the princess and claimed our reward!

: See? That wasn't so bad! I told you she was nice!

We've also unlocked the ability to Be Nice or Be Mean to random Sims. If we are randomly Nice to Butter:


She pops out Happy Essences for us! And then she runs the heck off before we can Be Mean and get Angry Essences for our collection, dammit. Guess she's smarter than she looks.


Next time on MySims Kingdom: I guess we shouldn't make gears out of wood, huh?


Video: Socializing With Butter
Watch this one if you can, because the voice work is really good.