The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 101: Second Time Around: Cutopia, Part 2

Glazius posted:

So at what point are we going to make Sam Fisher?

Mehuyael posted:

He's been fishing this whole game.

Second Time Around: Cutopia, Part 2

Now that the Duchess has been pacified, let's move on to helping our actual friends. Who... just want to help the Duchess. Oh, well.

So... Duchess Beverly wants a more traditional castle, and she wants us to achieve this through the medium of paint.

No problem! Sam just paints everything a traditionally-boring shade of gray stone until Daniel seems satisfied.

Daniel busts out the Hopper figurine as thanks! Or maybe just to get rid of it, I don't know.

That seems reasonable. He wants it to be both Spooky and Cute, because of course he does, and also, aww.

A rose garden for Daniel and tombstones for Violet. Also, a seance circle! Everyone loves the seance circle! Even Buddy!

Also, a quick coat of Brains paint. For that certain je ne sais quoi.

Three guesses.


So, yeah, Violet prefers the prison tower to living amidst the riot of pink that is Poppy's house. I can't say I blame her.

She's not actually asking for Spooky stuff, though! I guess the location is spooky enough on its own. She just wants to be comfortable and have a little fun.

Sam takes down the temporary staircase and shuffles the pumpkins out of his way, giving himself room to work.

We can give her spooky furniture anyway. That should be okay. ... her dining table has clawed feet, that's awesome.

A quick coat of vine-y paint to bring the room together!

Violet ponders for a moment.

Oh no! She's emotionally torn! Apparently it's our job to make her stay here, though, so let's start out by talking about how nice Cutopia is.

I don't think she's buying it.

Sam reminds Violet that she'd have to leave Poppy if she left Cutopia. This makes Violet cry. Meanwhile, Buddy and Lyndsay are trapped behind us and constantly complaining that they can't get by.

You should totally give up all the Spooky things that are important to you in order to stay with Daniel. Definitely.

She's receptive of the idea... oh yeah, remember those giant spiders and how cool they are?


: I'll make it back to Spookane someday...

Man, this ought to be gothy as hell.

Oooor not. Cool hoodie, though. Sam will wear it to Spookane!