The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 106: Lyndsay Has Learned Nothing From History

Sir Vincent has a campsite over on one side of the island.

But he's not at home.

: He's not there either! Man, where could Sir Vincent be?

: I told you! I told you he was shifty!

: And I told you that was ridiculous! He is an explorer! Explorers help people! They're good!

: Oh. Uh, okay...

: What, now you're quoting him?! I thought you didn't trust him! You're impossible!

: What? No! That's not what...


: ACK!

Sam nods.

And flings himself into the fray in Buddy's defense.

And, shortly, wins. Sam does not lose fights.

: Who are you? Why did you beat up on poor Buddy? He's fragile!

: Yeah! Like an egg!

: Egg?! Ohhhhh, Gonk hungry!!

: Awww... he's just hungry, poor guy!

: Gonk just so hungry! Gonk can't catch any food! Even crabs too fast for Gonk!

Gonk cries some more.

: Aw, poor fella! We gotta help him, Sam!

: But what about Sir Vincent? He needs these bones for his research!

: This is more important! Gonk's starving!

Buddy turns to Sam.

: We should help Gonk first. What do you think, pal?

Sam nods. Gonk immediately cheers up.

It should surprise no one that Gonk's paper is a Scroll. Anyway, after a bit of fishing and tree-shaking:

: Oh, this stuff looks so cool!

Sam gets a suitably prehistoric Stone Table and Chair, plus some Stone paints.

And it looks like Buddy's running the show now!

: Let's set this guy up with a nice little kitchen and table! It sure beats eating on the dirt!

Well, it's a little more complicated than that. First let's clear out all these random chunks of stone.

Sam puts down a table and chairs--with a seashell on the table for decoration--and then some appliances. The solar panels to power those were already there. Some uncharted isle. Pfah.

Lots of storage!

And then some clover on wooden tables because why not.

Plus a robot.

: Wow, that looks nice!

Gonk, meanwhile, has stuffed himself full to belching.

: That girl's name is Bobaboo? That's weird!

: No! Dino is Bobaboo! She's Girl!

: Look, you guys have to get us out of here!

Man, I love getting to end an update on a good old-fashioned DUN DUN DUNNNN.


Next time on MySims Kingdom: Man, Sir Vincent Skullfinder is evil? I never would have seen that coming!