The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 110: Second Time Around: The Royal Academy, Boys' Side

Second Time Around: The Royal Academy, Boys' Side

I can't get over the sleeveless argyle sweater with bicep band. Over checkered clamdiggers. It is indubitably a Look... one which is ill-served by the Harry Potter specs and blue gimme cap.

Still, it looks pretty comfy.

Rosalyn is understandably freaked out by Sam threatening to paint her lovely brick building.

Which is exactly what he does: better bricks sandwiched between river stones.

Also, some Spanish tile.

And I guess he giftwrapped the windmill.

Hot damn.

This is chaz.jpg, right here. (Chaz actually performing an extreme stunt would be chaz.gif, you see.) Anyway, he wants Sam to design a new stunt, so... let's talk about stunts.

Chaz McFreely is not in it for the money. He's in it for the fame. ... right?

Right. ... I'm guessing Summer doesn't like Travis' piano playing. Anyway, since lawn mowing is only x-treem if you do it wrong, let's talk about shark riding.

What's old is done! In with the new!

And none of this mere 'from twenty-three miles up' like Felix Baumgartner, either. SPACE.

Chazshades and a recolor of the Chazduds. Sam is not allowed to wear both items at the same time, lest they be too extreme for mortal eyes to behold.

... and then Sam had to wait for Travis to get out of the goddamned hot tub and talk to him. Fortunately, Sam is able to entertain himself.


First up: remove dance floor.

Second: remove garish color scheme.

Third: add random wooden objects.

Finally: add bushes. Also, picnic.


Heh. 'Study'. That's a good one.
