The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 32: I Played With The Law (And The Law Won)

: Awwwwwww...

: Shut up! ... stupid girl.

: You're not a yellow-bellied, gully-wumping varmint at all, are ya? You just needed a friend!

You brought this on yourself, bro.

: C'mere, you! Let's play!

: Aaaack! You play too rough!

Rusty flees in panic. An ecstatic Sheriff Ginny gets back on her horse and gives chase.


: C'mon! Knock it off, Ginny!

Ginny being Ginny, she does not knock it off even the least little bit, continuing to chase Rusty around his campsite until he manages to get away.

Poor Rusty.

She's not done with you yet!

: Can you try and convince him to play nice?

Sure! We'll give him some flowers.

Ohhh. You meant socializing. Well, you should have said.

Rusty seems like the patty-cake sort, right?


Next time on MySims Kingdom: Rusty is not the patty-cake sort.