The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 36: Wrap-Up: Cowboy Junction


We never did anything for Gabby (besides ruin his 'lucky horseshoe' scam) so he has no reason to like us. Yet. Anyway!

Cowboy Junction is unusual as islands go, in that there is only one hidden non-chest treasure to find. See that alien green thing on the ledge above Gino's pizza oven? We can't reach it from here.

However, if we go up to Rusty's crappy mesa and lean over the fence in just the right spot...

We can grab a Pitcher Plant! And that's it. No action figures to dig up or anything.

Since that makes for a short update, let's go back to Capital Island and show Barney all these neat new fish that we caught. It's not enough to just catch them, either--we have to bring an extra one of each back to give him.

When we're not traveling for the sake of 'plot', our friends will have random conversations! There are a lot of these, actually.

: Buddy, what IS that?

: It's the Order of the Wandoliers theme song!

: ...

So, who wants to see just how much Marlon lies to Barney?

Ho ho ho, very funny. Barney drops a bunch of Apple Essences.

: I think they use those whiskers to communicate telepathically! That's why they're so hard to catch!

Barney trades us Happy Essences for the Catfish, one of which he wears like a terrifying mask.

: Oh! My bad. You're in control of this situation. That's a good find!

Barney makes it rain Mana, which is always welcome.

: From what I heard from Marlon, crabs use those claws to open walnuts!

Crabs also make Barney burst out into spontaneous rains of Simoleons. Good to know.

: Renewable energy is the future!

This makes him break out in... Cake. Really. White cake with pink frosting.

We haven't yet found a place where we can fish for octopi, but they'll squirt out of faucets any old time.

: They're a cousin of the squid, but instead of ink, they spit fireballs! Ha ha! Like a wizard!

... um. Happy Essences for that one.

Barney, if you can't spell it, I'm not going to let you have it.

: From what I hear, they're rabid herbivores! Salad destroying machines!

Barney trades us Electrobits for our Piranha.

We jump on Barney's couch for a while, because we can, and then head out.

: No we're not, Lyndsay.

: ...

That's my Buddy.