The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 41: You Spin Me Right Round Baby

: I think one billboard here, one at the lab, and one by that monkey's training grounds will do the trick!

... hey

TOBOR's the boss, so Sam puts a cool futuristic billboard over here by the side of the diner.

Once he puts it down, TOBOR comes over and puts up his cool hand-drawn poster.

I do believe that is a grilled-cheese sandwich I see! Everyone seems to approve.

Right! Let's go put up a billboard by the ex-lab!

Sam clears out some debris and puts the billboard in a corner. TOBOR follows and puts up his poster. Right! To the training area.

Sorry, Alexa, we'll get to you eventually!

Vic's hard at work already.

There, all set.

"... fleshie."

And now we are done with TOBOR's endless busywork! Let's go see what Vic needs.

: Oh! I know! Dr. F threw this Scroll in the trash the other day, but I bet it's just the thing we need to fix that rocket ride. Let me know when you've finished it.

That's pretty straightforward.

A bit of mining for Springs and some digging for Onyx and we've got it in the bag.

: Hey, Sam! Did you finish a Scroll?

: This should help with Vic's training!

in the bag, get it, ha ha

Ahem. Sam unlocks the Gear Box! What's a Gear Box? Well, let's go ask Vic.

Sorry again, Alexa!

: Hey, man, got that Scroll finished yet? Hmm. Let's see. Yeah! This will totally do the trick...

Oh, good. Another tutorial.


: But in order to link gears to this centrifuge's axle you'll have to make the gears turn a corner.

Vic beams.

: That's where the gearbox comes in! If you can get any side of the gearbox spinning, it will make all the rest of the sides turn as well! Isn't that rad? Corners get owned with the awesome power of the gearbox on your side!

... 'rad'? Really? You're going with 'rad'? ... okay!

: Try it out, Sam! You'll have to use at least one gearbox to hook that centrifuge up. Good luck!

So, yeah. Gears and belts can turn corners now, thanks to the little metal box with spinny poky things all over it.

Pretty simple.

No sooner has Sam hooked up the centrifuge than Buddy hops in. Anybody spinning in the centrifuge yelps and spits out Happy and Scary Essences continuously.

Let's give it a try!

If someone's tough enough to ride the centrifuge until it stops, Sam gets a handful of Star Essences. Looks like everything's working--how's that, Vic?

Dude, it's so hardcore it'll make you hurl stars.

There he goes! I wonder what else a future test pilot needs?

Ah. Looks like we'll finally be talking to Alexa.


Next time on MySims Kingdom: The SUPER PLACE OF MUCH SCIENCE begins!


Video: The Centrifuge
Watch as Sam goes whirling around in a circle and yelps a lot! Buddy also manages to jump both on and off the centrifuge while it's running at full speed, which seems like it ought to end in blood and tears.