The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 49: Bait And Switch

And away we go!

: Sorry, Buddy, but I did some research and there's no candy factory on Candypalooza.


: Man, what's a guy gotta do to get some free samples, pal?!

Shortly thereafter, we dock at the candy-less Candypalooza.

I see tikis and tiki torches. Aaaaand some kind of DJ club setup. And no candy.

The spiky-haired fellow turns around and regards us for a moment, then shrugs and goes 'enh'. I guess we'll do.


: Neat! A party! I want free cake!

And some candy!

: What's Candypalooza? Is that like a concert?

: Dude, only the sickest concert ever! It's got games, music, awesome decorations, and the one and only DJ Candy!

Really? Let's check this out!


: But... I don't see any of that...

: Oh. Yeah, we haven't set it up yet. No big deal, though.


The girl with brown ponytails races over to join us.

: Relax, Sapphire, it's cool. These dudes can help us.

: Oh wow, really? That is just so totally great, you guys. I was, like, totally freaking out there and now I think maybe things will be okay. Thanks!


... wait just a goddamn minute here <>

: If you want to help me set up the concert, just come talk to me at the main stage. If you want to help set up DJ Candy's place, go talk to Sapphire.

Zack starts to head out, then turns back.

He and Sapphire head out, leaving the three of us to confer.

NO <>

Sam shrugs and makes the 'uhh iunno' sound.

: Well, I guess we'd better help them out. We'll get some good King Points out of it, and DJ Candy DOES put on a pretty good show!

I could hold a vote to decide who to help first, but a) we just had a thread vote and b) Zack has irritated me with his unwarranted assumptions, so Sam's going to take his sweet time exploring the island and then help Sapphire first when he's done. So there. Nyah.

First: the trees on this island grow Pears and, fittingly, Musical Notes. I was hoping for some kind of candy, but nooooooo.

Since Pears and Musical Notes grow on trees here, they are also the first two steps in the weeding chain. They are followed by Sapphires () and, finally, Simoleons.

And behind this tree, a chest!

Amidst a shower of Simoleons, a present: some new outfits!

And another chest out here on this little islet, full of Mana, Simoleons, and Sapphires.

A third chest hidden in the water!




Finally, up behind the stage:

Another flower for our collection! Some day we'll actually do something with these.

Once he finishes exploring the island, Sam heads back to the boat. Zack and Sapphire are both kind of... fashion-forward... so Sam's usual pig-herding outfits seem too drab. Have we got anything more appropriate?

We got a pair of swimsuits out of the first chest we opened, but that doesn't seem right...

... the shortalls have a star on the butt, they'll do. Some hair gel and we're ready to rave or whatever it was kids were doing back in 2008. Right! Let's be helpful!

Because Zack is a jerk. <>


Next time on MySims Kingdom: Sam helps someone who is not a jerk.


Video: Unwarranted Assumptions
Sapphire is kind of a nervous girl. Fortunately, she also has some sick dance moves.