The Let's Play Archive

MySims Kingdom

by Picayune

Part 55: Elves, Schmelves

Sam heads for the boat, intending to go to the Forest of the Elves, but... you know, he should change clothes before he goes. All he really knows about elves is that they're peaceful tree-hugging hippie types who dislike humans and their nature-despoiling ways. Therefore, he should wear something less human-y. Something, you know, green.

Perfect. Let's motor.

: I'm willing to wager we'll meet some elves.

: Oh boy! Do you think they'll make some toys for us?

: Buddy, elves don't make toys all the time. It's just a stereotype.

: Neat! I wonder what type of stereos they make?

: ...

Morning dawns on the Forest of the Elves as we draw near.

As we disembark, we see an elf, weeping for the sanctity of her forest or something. You know. As they do.

Let's just go talk to the elf lady and get this over with.

: Buddy! Sorry, that's not what he meant to say...

: No, it is as he says, sadly. Your friend Buddy is most wise.

: ... most what?!

: As Elves, it is our job to preserve the balance of nature here.

: You said 'our job.' Who else is here?

: Oh, that would be Leaf. My companion and fellow defender of the spirit of Nature.

'Sup yourself, bro.

... rar rar giggle rar gurgle rar

: As you can see, the situation is quite upsetting. But wait... do I sense...?

She runs over to Sam.

: Oh, please say you'll help us restore our land, great Wandolier!

See, that's the proper way to ask for Sam's help!

Besides, that angry frogboy scares the bejeepers out of Sam. How do we help him?

... ooookay then. Sam heads up the hill.

Hit me, Corny.

Well, that was a thing that happened. Anyway, Sam heads back down the hill to report his findings to Petal.

: First, let us focus on flower and fish! Frog Berries will come after. You must collect the ancient striped fish of the ponds as well as the pink flower found on canopy's top. Many will be needed!


Sheesh. Elves.

Leaf, though, Leaf is all right.


Next time on MySims Kingdom: Flowers, fish, and frogs. Also, outdoor plumbing.


Video: Defenders Of Nature
Leaf is too cool for school. Hopper, meanwhile, is an angry nut.